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No <br />1O 6 <br />f-r <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />N <br />Program No. PROGRAM Department. Policy Topic 0 <br />w <br />cn <br />0.15 <br />Zero Emission Truck Collaborative (ZETC). Promote consistency among public agencies in <br />POLA, Metro, AQMD, POLB, Caltrans, <br />5.4, 5.1 <br />Operations <br />working to catalyze the development and deployment of zero emission trucks in the region. <br />SCAG and Gateway Cities COG. <br />PKA <br />Creative Parking Solutions. Work with communities, businesses, and organizations to identify <br />DCP, DOT, Council Offices <br />4.13, 4.10 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />and implement creative strategies to resolve parking conflicts in areas with high -parking <br />Zones <br />demand. <br />PK.2 <br />Curb Parking Conversion. Standardize processes to facilitate the conversion of curb parking <br />DOT, BOE, DCP, LASAN, Council Offices <br />2.1, 3.8, <br />Parking/ Loading <br />spaces for other uses such as parklets, plazas, bike corrals and docking stations for bicycle <br />3.11 <br />Zones <br />sharing, especially in high volume areas of pedestrians and bicyclists. <br />PK.3 <br />Individualized Parking Requirements. Permit businesses to identify their respective parking <br />DCP, DOT <br />4.8, , 4.9 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />demand and establish criteria whereby projects can reduce on -site parking through the <br />Zones <br />inclusion of a package of transportation demand management strategies. <br />PK.4 <br />LA Express Park. Continue LA Express Park system using reak-time technology to increase <br />DOT, BIDS, Chambers of Commerce, <br />4.13 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />awareness of the availability of parking spaces. <br />Council Offices <br />Zones <br />PK.5 <br />Meter Pricing. Establish demand based meter pricing to maximize efficient use of on -street <br />DOT <br />4.13 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />meters. <br />Zones <br />PK.6 <br />Neighborhood Parking Districts. Explore modifying some Neighborhood Parking Districts <br />DOT, DCP, City Attorney, Council Offices <br />4.13 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />to permit the utilization of residential streets for metered commercial parking and direct <br />Zones <br />revenue to specific neighborhood improvements. <br />Off -Street Loading. In non -industrial areas, require off-street dock and/or loading facilities <br />DCP <br />PK.7 <br />2.10 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />for all new non-residential buildings and for existing non-residential buildings and undergoing <br />Zones <br />extensive renovations and/or expansion, whenever practical. <br />PK.8 <br />On -Street Loading. Encourage the designation of on -street loading areas, through removal <br />DOT, DCP, City Attorney, Council Offices <br />2.10 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />of curb parking, in established industrial areas where off-street loading facilities are lacking. <br />Zones <br />Update the Commercial Loading Zone Ordinance (see B-2, page 6, 2-14 of Mayor's Task <br />Force -Mar 2004) <br />PK.9 <br />Pedestrian Design Features in Parking Areas. Update zoning code to require the inclusion of <br />DCP <br />2.3, 3.1 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />pedestrian design features into all parking lots and provide safe, clear paths of travel from <br />Zones <br />parking lots and/or structures to the associated buildings and/or uses. Ensure that all features <br />are ADA compliant. <br />PK.10 <br />Pedestrian Improvement Incentives. Establish an incentive program to encourage projects to <br />DCP <br />2.3, 3.1, <br />Parking/ Loading <br />retrofit parking lots, structures and driveways to include pedestrian design features. <br />4.13, <br />Zones <br />PK.11 <br />Reduced Size Parking. Develop parking, design, and replacement parking standards for <br />DCP <br />4.13 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />reduced size vehicles (e.g. sub -compact cars, scooters, motorcycles, bike corrals) in residential <br />Zones <br />and non-residential developments as well as public parking facilities and public rights -of -way. <br />PK.12 <br />Shared Off -Street Parking. Facilitate the shared utilization of privately owned off-street <br />DOT, City Attorney, BIDS, DCP, Council <br />4.13 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />parking facilities. <br />Offices <br />Zones <br />AppendixA <br />