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SANTAANA VISION ZERO PLAN <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />Program No. <br />PROGRAM <br />Department. <br />Policy <br />Topic <br />PK.13 <br />Transit Area Parking Reductions. Reduce parking requirements for developments that locate <br />DCP <br />4.13 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />near transit (e.g. within a half -mile of a transit stop)or a major bus stop and provide facilities <br />Zones <br />to enable pedestrian, bicycle and disabled access. Parking requirement reductions are being <br />reviewed as a potential component of the Central City and Central City North Community <br />Plans. <br />PK.14 <br />Unbundled Parking Options. Evaluate potential for the unbundling of parking from rental or <br />DCP <br />4.13 <br />Parking/ Loading <br />purchase options for all new multi -family development. <br />Zones <br />PK.15. <br />Accessible Parking in Residential Areas. Update policies and guidelines for accessible parking <br />DOT, DCP, City Attorney, Council Offices <br />3.2, 3.3, <br />Parking/ Loading <br />in residential areas. <br />4.13 <br />Zones <br />PK.16. <br />Park and Ride. Expand the park and ride network. <br />Dot, Caltrans, Metro <br />3.4, 3.5, <br />Parking/ Loading <br />4.13 <br />Zones <br />PLA <br />Driveway Access. Require driveway access to buildings from non -arterial streets or alleys <br />DCP <br />3.9, 4.3 <br />Planning & Land <br />(where feasible) in order to minimize interference with pedestrian access and vehicular <br />Use <br />movement. <br />PL.2 <br />Local Access. Explore opportunities to incorporate community assets (food, retail) in <br />DCP, Council Offices <br />3.3, 1.2, <br />Planning & Land <br />locations immediately adjacent to residential areas to promote local walking and biking trips <br />5.2 <br />Use <br />and reduce VMT. <br />PL.3 <br />Mixed -Use. Encourage mixed -use residential, employment and commercial serving uses <br />DCP, Council Offices <br />3.3, 1.2, 5.1 <br />Planning & Land <br />where appropriate to facilitate increased utilization of walking, bicycling, and transit use. <br />Use <br />PL.4 <br />Network Additions. Identify bicycle, neighborhood, and transit enhanced streets and <br />DOT, DCP, Council Offices <br />3.3, 2.3, <br />Planning & Land <br />pedestrian enhanced areas in Community Plan updates to provide local complements to the <br />2.4, 2.5, <br />Use <br />Citywide Transit Neighborhood, and Bicycle Enhanced Networks, and Pedestrian Enhanced <br />2.6, 1.2 <br />Destinations and increase access to area amenities including medical, schools, parks, major <br />employment centers, and community facilities through continuous, predictable and safe <br />sidewalks, intersections, bikeways, and transit support facilities. <br />PL.5 <br />Pedestrian Safety Action Plan. Develop a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan for that enhances <br />DOT, Mayor <br />3.1, 2.3 <br />Planning & Land <br />mobility and accessibility for pedestrians. <br />Use <br />PL.6 <br />Regional Transportation Plan. Coordinate with Metro and SCAG on the development of <br />DCP, DOT,LASAN, Metro, SCAG <br />4.11 <br />Planning & Land <br />the Regional Transportation Plan, Sustainable Communities Strategy, and the Long Range <br />Use <br />Transportation Plan. <br />PL.7 <br />Transit Coordination. Continue to work with Metro and various Construction Authorities on <br />DCP, DOT, Metro, other bus providers <br />4.11, 3.7 <br />Planning & Land <br />station location, portal siting, station access, support features and parking strategies that <br />Use <br />maximize ridership and transit revenue. <br />PL.8 <br />Transit Neighborhood Plans. Adopt and implement Transit Neighborhood Plans that enhance <br />DCP <br />3.3 <br />Planning & Land <br />access to transit stations and set new zoning regulations to effectuate appropriate mixes and <br />Use <br />scales of uses as well as site design. <br />n <br />v <br />O� fD <br />O �n <br />Appendix A <br />