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ON o <br />N U_ <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs v <br />Program No. <br />PROGRAM <br />Department. <br />Policy <br />N <br />Topic W <br />Un <br />PL.9 <br />Transportation Demand Management Ordinance Revision (TDM). Update the TDM ordinance <br />DCP, DOT <br />4.8 <br />Planning & Land <br />(LA Municipal Code 12.26.J) to expand the number and type of projects required to <br />Use <br />incorporate TDM strategies and expand the number and variety of available TDM strategies. <br />Include bicycle parking and other bicycle use incentives as a TDM measure to mitigate traffic/ <br />vehicle trips for purposes of CEQA compliance for commercial, residential and mixed -use <br />development projects. Continue to require eligibile projects to provide work -trip reduction <br />plans and parking cash -out programs in compliances with ACMD's Regulation XV. <br />PL.10 <br />Truck Staging Facilities. Identify locations within the City where regional truck staging and <br />DOT, DCP, Council Offices <br />1.8, 2.10 <br />Planning & Land <br />service facilities are permitted and address solutions to illegal freight staging practices. <br />Use <br />PL.11 <br />Union Station Master Plan. Continue to work with Metro to complete the Union Station <br />DCP, DOT, Mayor's Office, Council Offices <br />3.6 <br />Planning & Land <br />Master Plan and implement Connect US. Connect US is a strategy to improve active <br />Use <br />transportation options to and from Union Station. <br />PL.12 <br />Greenways to Rivers Arterial Stormwater System (GRASS). Establish a stormwater greewnay <br />DCP, DOT, Mayor's Office, Council Offices <br />5.1, 5.5 <br />Planning & Land <br />planning network and an intergrative planning tool for Los Angeles' One Water Plan. <br />Use <br />PL.13 <br />Special Street/Alley Treatments. Explore the use of special materials used within public right <br />DCP, DOT, DPW <br />2.1, 2.2 <br />Planning & Land <br />of ways. <br />Use <br />PL.14 <br />Community Engagement - Conduct extensive community engagement, develop detailed <br />DCP, DOT, Community Stakeholders, <br />4.4 <br />Planning & Land <br />operational studies and design options and undertake additional environmental analysis <br />Council Office <br />Use <br />for the following network segments within the Council District Four boundaries before <br />implementing any street modifications: Melrose Avenue between Highland and Western <br />Avenues; Lankershim between 134 Freeway and Cahuenga Boulevard, 4th Street between <br />Highland and Western and segments of the BEN and/or TEN within the boundaries of the <br />Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council. The Council office and community stakeholders <br />would play a critical role in finalizing any plans or projects for these corridors. Alternative <br />parallel corridors, in lieu of the ones identified here, may be considered as potential network <br />substitutes during this process. <br />PSA <br />Plazas/Paseos. Identify temporary and/or permanent opportunities to establish car free <br />DCP, DOT, Council Offices <br />3.11 <br />Public Space <br />zones and/or plazas/paseos/play streets in select locations around the City. Play streets <br />provide an opportunity to open public spaces to families and residents in park -poor <br />communities without fear of conflicts with motor vehicles. <br />PS.2 <br />Great Streets. Continue to support the Mayor's Great Streets Initiative by creating a <br />DOT, BOE, BSS, LASAN, RAP, DCP, DCA, <br />2.15, 3.11 <br />Public Space <br />comprehensive matrix of project elements and associated costs, outlining an implementation <br />DPW, BSL, EDD, Council Offices <br />timeline, tracking project impacts, evaluating funding strategy, and strategizing the <br />coordination of city services to Great Streets. <br />PS.3 <br />Pedestrian Loops. Explore the development of a connected network of walking passageways <br />DOT, BOE, BSS, RAP, DCP, DPW, Council <br />3.9, 3.10, <br />Public Space <br />utilizing both public and private spaces, local streets and alleyways to facilitate circulation. <br />Offices <br />3.11 <br />Appendix A <br />