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SANTAANA VISION ZERO PLAN <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />Program No. <br />PROGRAM <br />Department. <br />Policy <br />Topic <br />PSA <br />People Street. Continue the People Street program for community partners to repurpose <br />DOT, BOE, LASAN, BOS, RAP, Council <br />4.10, 3.11 <br />Public Space <br />underused portions of streets (below the curb) using cost effective materials into temporary <br />Offices <br />plazas, parklets, bike parking, and other public spaces. <br />PS.5 <br />Recreational Rides. Organize and lead local and citywide recreational rides ranging from 5-30 <br />RAP, LAPD, Mayor's Office, Council <br />2.6 <br />Public Space <br />miles. Prioritize routes that include the Green, Bicycle Enhanced or Neighborhood Networks. <br />Offices, DOT, BOE, Bicycle non -profits <br />PS.6 <br />Open Streets. Establish procedures and protocols to support and expand non-profit efforts to <br />Mayor's Office, Council Offices, RAP, DOT, <br />3.11 <br />Public Space <br />coordinate and plan frequent and predictable events. <br />DPW, LAPD, LAFD <br />S.1 <br />Active Transportation Education. Coordinate with LAUSD to incorporate mobility education <br />DOT, LAUSD, Council Offices <br />1.3,1.2 <br />Schools <br />(for children ages 4-18) into regular physical education curriculum. <br />S.2 <br />Bike, Walk, and Roll Weeks. Support Metro's Bike, Walk, and Roll Week by providing City <br />DOT, LAPD, Council, Mayor, LAUSD, <br />1.3,1.4, <br />Schools <br />sponsored events and pit stops in every council district and supporting bicycling to school <br />Metro, SCAG <br />3.1, 4.10, <br />for students. Provide information, support services and incentives for bicyclists to bicycle <br />5.1, 5.2 <br />to work and school. Distribute materials, post information, and evaluate the progress of the <br />program. <br />S.3 <br />Safe Routes to School. Continue to work/partner with LAUSD, (with support from PTAs <br />DOT, DPW, LASAN, support from LAPD, <br />1.3 <br />Schools <br />and traffic officers) to develop an education program, develop and implement a safe routes <br />and LAUSD, Council Offices <br />to school program and maps and a Comprehensive SRTS Strategic Plan to calm traffic in <br />communities surrounding all elementary, middle and high schools to maximize pedestrian and <br />bicycle convenience and safety. Refer to the Citywide Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan <br />SA <br />School Locations. Work with LAUSD and other school providers to site new schools in <br />DCP, LAUSD, Council Offices <br />1.3, 3.3 <br />Schools <br />appropriate locations that can be easily accessed and integrated into the surrounding <br />community. <br />SFA <br />Artist Designed Bicycle Parking Standards. Support and develop creative bicycle parking <br />DOT, BOE <br />3.8, 3.11 <br />Support Features <br />solutions in the public rights -of -way and adopt as city standard guidelines. <br />SF.2 <br />Bicycle Parking at Existing Major Destinations. Work with special event facilities' managers <br />DOT, Council Offices <br />3.8 <br />Support Features <br />to provide convenient, secure, good quality and well -lit bicycle parking facilities at special <br />event venues such as Dodger Stadium, the Staples Center/LA Convention Center, and the LA <br />Memorial Coliseum/Sports Arena. <br />SF.3 <br />Bicycle Path Landscaping. Incorporate drought tolerant and low maintainence plant materials <br />DOT, DPW, MRCA, Council Offices <br />2.6,5.5 <br />Support Features <br />along bicycle paths. <br />5FA <br />Bicycle Path Lighting. Adopt and install standard lighting designs for bicycle paths and grade <br />DOT, BSL, Council Offices <br />2.6 <br />Support Features <br />separated bikeways. <br />SF.5 <br />Bicycle Path Mile Markers. Continue to install and retrofit mile markers along bike paths; <br />DOT, LAPD, LAFD, BOE <br />2.6 <br />Support Features <br />work with LAPD and LAFD to facilitate emergency response on paths. <br />SF.6 Bicycle Racks on Taxis. Investigate the integration of bicycles with taxi service by adding DOT 3.5, 3.8 Support Features <br />bicycle racks on to all of the taxi cabs that are permitted through DOT. 3 <br />v <br />Appendix A <br />