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~ECTYON 9243. Area (Contd.) <br /> <br /> (2) On an interior lot an accessory building may be built to one side <br /> lot line and the rear lot line, except if the lot rears and/or <br /> sides upen an alley~ Said accessory building, if a garage, shall <br /> maintain a distance of not less than twelve (12) feet from the <br /> center line of the alley. <br /> (3) On a corner lot an accessory building may be built not less than <br /> ten (10) feet to the lot line on the street side of the lot, and <br /> an accessory building may be built to the rear and/or inside <br /> property line, except if the building is a garage, such building <br /> shall maintain a distance of not less than twelve (12) feet from <br /> the center line of the alley. <br /> (4) On a reversed corner lot an accessory building located in a <br /> required rear yard shall not extend beyond the requirsd front yard <br /> line of the lot to the rear. <br /> (5) No accessory building shall occupy more than two-thirds (2/3) of <br /> the rear yard area requirsd for the District in which the property <br /> is located. <br /> (6) %~en any rear lot line or portions thereof is a side lot line of <br /> a key lot, an accessory building shall be not less than five (5) <br /> feet from said line. <br /> (7) There shall be a minimum twenty (20) foot drive clearance between <br /> any property line abutting a street and the entrance of a garage. <br />(h) An attached accessory garage, carport, or other accessory building <br />shall maintain the same yards as requirsd for the main building except as pro- <br />vided in sub-parsgraph (7) of paragraph (g) of this Section. Furthermore, an <br />open breezeway or covered patio between a garage or accessory building shall <br /> ,~ constitute an attachment. <br /> (i) No provision set forth in this Chapter shall permit any violation of <br />any setback established as prescribed in PartVII of this Chapter. <br /> (J) ~bere property fronts, §ides or rears onto any NaJor, Primary or <br />Secondary Street as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways, the re- <br />quired front, side and/or rear yard for the District in which located shall be <br />measured from an adopted Future Right-of-¥iay Line determined for such Major, <br />Primary or Secondary Street and/or as shown on the adopted Future Right-of-l~ay Map. <br /> (k) The front yard on a key lot in any rssidential District shall be not <br />less than three fourths (3/4) the required front yard for the District in which <br />located. <br /> (1) Ail yard arsas, excluding any required side yard on the street side of <br />a corner lot and required front yard of any lot, may be used for uncovered <br />off-street parking of motor vehicles incidental to the uses permitted in the <br />District in which located, except that if said lot rears or sides on an alley, <br />the entrance to parking stalls shall be not less than twelve (12) feet from the <br />center line of said alley. <br /> (m) ~ny s6t back line ~-r r~uirod y~.rd, which ~v~r is '~r~ater, shall <br />d~termine the building line. <br /> (n) There shall be a distance of not lees than fifteen (15) feet between <br />detached dwelling units. <br /> (o) The following modifications in yard regulations may be undertaken: <br /> (1) Since the general yard provisions of this Chapter have to be <br /> applied to nmmerous types of conditions and shapes of parcels <br /> occasioned by varying street layouts and subdivisions of property, <br /> it is not advisable to attempt to define herein, those cases <br /> which warrant exceptions and modifications to the general yard <br /> requirements of this Chapter, therefore authority is hereby given <br /> the Zoning Administrator as a part of his administrative function, <br /> to determine in writing the application of the specific require- <br /> ments of this Chapter in harmony with their purpose and intent so <br /> that the spirit of the Chapter shall be observed, public peace, <br /> health, safety and welfars secured and substantial Justice done, <br /> under the following circumstances: <br /> (2) V~nere the application of yard regulations cannot be determined or <br /> may be interpreted in more than one way as to cause confusion in <br /> the administration of such regulations or general yard provisions <br /> with respect ts irregularly shaped lots such as those resulting <br /> from some angular or curved streets, particularly triangular or <br /> <br /> <br />