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~EOTION 9243. Area (Contd.) <br /> <br />gore shaped lots with more than four lot lines, such regulations <br />or provisions may be modified or interpreted by the Zoning <br />Administrator in writing as to an individual lot or to all lots <br />of similar type involving a common problem and the building shall <br />be governed by such interpretation. No fence or accessory <br />building, the location of which is determined in whole or in part <br />by yards, shall be erected or established upon any lot which is <br />so irregularly or oddly shaped as to cause cohfusion relative to <br />interpretation of such regulations until the yard provisions <br />of this Chapter shall have been determined as set forth above. <br />The Zoning Administrator may, as a part of his administrative <br />function, authorize a ten (10) percent reduction in required <br />side, front and/or rear yard provided said determination shall <br />be in writing and show that the reduction is in harmony with the <br />purpose and intent of this Chapter. <br /> <br />SECTION ~244. Fence Regulations. <br /> <br /> Fences, hedges or masonry walls shall be permitted in all required yard <br />areas and in all Districts provided that: <br /> (1) Such fence, hedge or masonry wall on all lots shall hereafter not <br /> exceed six (6) feet in height and four (4) feet in height where such <br /> fence or hedge extends into the required front yard. <br /> (2) Any fence, hedge or masonry wall expressly permitted by this Section <br /> or any other Section of this Chapter shall comply with the provisions <br /> setforth in Article III, Chapter 2 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br /> <br />SECTION 9245. B (Parking Modification). <br /> <br /> (a) Any District or any part thereof regulating the use of land established <br />under Part II and Part III, may be modified at the time the zoning is first es- <br />tablished or by amendment, by adding to the District Designation, "B", which <br />shall make no alteration in the uses permitted under the regular District class- <br />ification except that~ <br /> In any District modified with B (Parking Modification) each parcel so <br />zoned may be used exclusively for the parking of motor vehicles in connection <br />with any comm~ercial use o~ for private parking except that no cars either new or <br />used shall be stored for sale or lease or parked while such car bears sign, <br />words or figures indicating that the same may be for sale, and no hydrocarbon <br />substance or other property of any kind may be sold, nor automobiles serviced or <br />repaired on said "B" modified District lots. <br /> ~en said "B" modified Districts are used for parking in the aforemen- <br />tioned manner the following conditions shall be complied with: <br /> (1) All parking areas shall be paved and a~propriately drained with <br /> pavement meeting specifications of the Department of Public Works. <br /> (2) Ail parking areas shall ha~e adequate entrances, exits, and aisles <br /> to insure safe ingress and egress of vehicles. <br /> (3) Ail flood lights shall be arranged as to not interfere with <br /> adjacent residences. <br /> (4) ~en lots are modified with the "B" suffix and abut residential <br /> property a five (5) foot masonry wall or solid board fence shall be <br /> erected between said modified lot and residential property; however, <br /> the masonry wall or fence shall not exceed four (4) feet in height <br /> between the front property line amd the established building line <br /> of adjacent residential pro~erty. <br /> (5) Vhen said "B" modified lots are located across a street from any <br /> property zoned RE, Ri, R2, R3, R3H, and/or P, a two and one-half <br /> (2½) foot high masonry wall or adequate shrubs and landscaping <br /> shall be maintained along the front property line of said "B" zoned <br /> property. <br /> <br /> <br />