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SECTION 9245. B (Parking i<odification). (Contd.) <br /> <br />(6) <br /> <br /> The followinM types, sizos, and numbers of signs shall be <br /> permitted in a "B" modified District: <br />(a) One (1) unlighted or non-flashing lishted double-faced sign not <br /> to exceed twenty (20) square feet of area per face, referring <br /> to the availability and charges for parking spaces on the <br /> parking lot · <br />(b) Unlizhted or non-flashing lighted double faced entrance and exit <br /> signs not exceeding four (4) square feet in area per display <br /> face provided the signs shall contain only directional <br /> information. <br /> One (1) unlighted or non-flashing lighted double-faced sign not <br /> exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area per face, indicating <br /> the name of a shopping center when the "B" modified District <br /> adjoins a C1 or C2 District. Said signs shall be approved by <br /> the Planning Department prior to installation. <br />(d) Signs shall not be lighted except during the hours that the use <br /> or uses which the parking lot services are open for business. <br /> <br />(c) <br /> <br />SECTION 9246. Oil Well Regulations. <br /> <br /> No person shall erect, establish, or maintain within an agricultural, resi- <br />dential or commercial District, any oil well or derrick, or the business of <br />drilling or operating for the discovery or production of oil, gas, hydro carbons, <br />or other kindred substances. <br /> <br />SECTION 9247. Off-Street Parking Requirement. <br /> <br /> Parking fecilities s.ball be located on the same lot or site or on a lot or <br />site contiguous thereto· Any property used for required parking shall be under <br />the same ownership as the uses served or shall be restricted in such a manner as <br />to prevent tbs severance of the parking facilities and use by sale, trade, lease <br />or any other conveyance. <br /> <br />SECTION 9247.1. Dimension of Parking Area and Access. <br /> <br /> (a) Open or garage parking stalls shall be not less than nine (9) feet v~de <br />and twenty (20) feet long. <br /> (b) Aisles to and from parking stalls shall be not less than: <br /> (1) Thirteen (13) feet wide for thirty (30) degree parking. <br /> (2) Fifteen (15) feet wide for forty-five (45) degree parking. <br /> (3) Eighteen (18) feet wide for sixty (60) degree parking. <br /> (4) Twenty-three (23) feet ~'~de for ninety (90) degree parking. <br /> (c) Circulation within a parking area, must be that~ <br /> (1) A car entering the parking area need not enter a street to reach <br /> another aisle. <br /> (2) A car need not enter a street backwards. (This provision shall not <br /> <br /> (3) Lll oarkinj or,Ils and L~arng~.;~ ~u~ be ac~;ess~o±e and useablee <br />SECTION 92~?.2. Na~ntenance and Operation. <br /> <br /> (a) Bumper guards shall be provided along any lot line which abuts a public <br />walkway, street or alley except Wen a fence is required. <br /> (b) ~,'~en the parking area abuts residentially zoned property or property <br />used for residential purposes, a six (6) foot high masonry vmll <br /> shall be erected along such property lines excepting such wall <br />shall not exceed four (4) feet in height in any required front yard of adjacent <br />property. <br /> (c) Lights used to illuminate the parking area shall be reflected away from <br />any residence. <br /> (d) All required stalls shall be clearly outlined on the surface of the lot. <br /> (e) The parking area and driveways shall be paved with asphaltic or <br />concrete surfacing. <br /> (f) All parking areas shall be graded to drain away from abutting property. <br /> (g) All parking areas shall be accessible to vehicles via drives and aisles <br />of the size specified herein. <br /> <br /> <br />