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SECTION 3294 - Turning Markers at Intersections Designating Multiple Lanes. <br /> <br /> The Director of Public Works is authorized to allocate and indicate <br />more than one lane of traffic from which the driver of vehicles may make <br />right and/or left hand turns, and the course to he traveled as so indicated <br />may conform to or be other than as prescribed b~ Statute or Ordinance. <br />The Director of Public Works shall place markers, buttons or signs within <br />or adjacent to intersections, indicating the course to be traveled hy <br />vehicles turning at such intersections. <br /> <br />SECTION 3235 - Obedience to Turning Markers. <br /> <br /> When authorized markers, buttons or other indications are so <br />placed within or adjacent to an intersection, indicating the course to <br />be traveled hy vehicles turning thereat, no driver of a vehicle shall <br />disobey the directions of such indications. <br /> <br />SECTION 3236 - Restricting Right, Left or U Turns. <br /> <br /> The Director of Public Works is authorized to determine those <br />intersections at which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right, left <br />or U turn. The making of such turns may be prohibited between certain <br />hours of any day and permitted at other hours. The Director of Public <br />Works shall place proper signs at such intersections to indicate the <br />restrictions in force. The signs shall plainly indicate the restrictions <br />in force and the hours in which they are in force, or the signs may he <br />removed when such turns are permitted. <br /> <br />SECTION 3237 - Obedience to Restrictive Turn Signs. <br /> <br /> Whenever authorized signs are erected indicating that no right, <br />left or U turn is permitted or is prohibited during certain hours, no <br />driver of a vehicle shall disobey such signs. <br /> <br />SECTION 3238 - Restricting Turns at Red Signal. <br /> <br /> The Director of Public Works is authorized to determine those <br />intersections at which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right or <br />left turn against a "Stop# or #Red# signal, and shall erect proper <br />signs giving notice of the prohibition. <br /> Same. <br />SECTION 32~8,1/Designation of Through Streets and #Stop" Intersections. <br /> <br /> The Director of Public Works is authorized to designate certain <br />streets in the City to he "Through" streets and certain intersections to <br />be #Stop" intersections, and any railway grade crossing to he a "Stop" <br />intersection. The Director of Public Works shall erect and maintain <br />#Stop" signs as provided in the Vehicle Code, whenever he designates <br />and describes any street or portion thereof as a #Through# street, or <br />any intersection at which vehicles are required to stop, at one or <br />more entrances thereto, or any railroad grade crossing at which vehicles <br />are required,to stop. <br /> <br />-6- <br /> <br /> <br />