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SECTION 3238.2. Same. "Yield Riqht ~ Wa¥"Siqns. <br /> <br /> The Director of Public Works is authorized to designate any <br />intersection to be controlled by "Yield Right of Way" signs. The <br />Director of Public Works shall erect and maintain "Yield Right of <br />Way" signs, as described in the Vehicle Code, whenever he designates <br />such intersections to be controlled by "Yield Right of Way" signs. <br /> <br />Part 4 - Miscellaneous Driving Rules <br /> <br />SECTION 3240. Drivinq Movements and Acts Prohibited. <br /> <br />No person shall: <br />(a) Drive between the vehicles comprising a <br /> <br /> funeral procession <br /> while it is in motion and when such vehicles are identified <br /> as part of such procession by the display upon the outside <br /> of each vehicle of a pennant or other identifying insignia <br /> or by such other method as may be determined and designated <br /> by the Chief of Police. This provision shall not apply at <br /> .:intersections~wheretraffic is contrOlledbytrafficecontrol <br /> signals or police officers. <br />(b) While riding any bicy.cle, motorcycle, coaster, roller-skates, <br /> or any toys or toy vehicles, attach the same or himself to <br /> any moving vehicle upon any roadway, and no person driving <br /> any vehicle shall permit the same to be done. <br />(e) Drive within or over any sidewalk area or any parkway <br /> except at a driveway. <br />(d) Drive over or across any new pavement or freshly painted <br /> marking, when any street barrier, sign or marking is in <br /> place, warning persons not to drive over or across the same, <br /> or when a sign is in place stating that the street, or any <br /> portion thereof, is closed. <br />(e) Drive or operate a vehicle contrary to the directions or <br /> provisions of any barrier or sign erected pursuant to the <br /> provisions of any ordinance of the City, or by any Public <br /> Utilities, or by any Department of the City, or by any <br /> other person pursuant to law or contract with the City, and <br /> no unauthorized person shall move or alter the position of <br /> any such barrier or sign. <br />(f) Drive a vehicle onto or from any Freeway except at such <br /> entrances and exits as are established by public authority. <br />(g) Park any vehicle within three hundred (300) feet of any <br /> fire apparatus which is stopped in answer to a fire alarm. <br />(h) Ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within a business district. <br /> Whenever any person is riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk, <br /> such person shall yield the right of way to any pedestrian. <br />(l) Drive a vehicle into an intersection or a marked crosswalk <br /> unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the <br /> intersection or crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle he is <br /> operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles <br /> or pedestrians in such intersection or crosswalk, notwith- <br /> standing any official traffic control device or signal <br /> indication to proceed. <br /> <br />-7- <br /> <br /> <br />