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NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br /> <br />The following goals and objectives are based on an <br />analysis of current conditions that are fully document- <br />ed in the Appendix, and the input of local business <br />operators, property owners and residents. This docu- <br />ment sets forth a mission statement for the North <br />Harbor Spedfic Plan. It identifies primary goals, each <br />providing a general policy statement regarding future <br />development of the planning area. The set of objectives <br />accompanying each goal is intended to serve as the <br />basis for implementing the Specific Plan. <br /> <br />MISSION STATEMENT <br /> <br />THE MISSION OF THE NORTH HARBOR SPECIF- <br />IC PLAN IS TO CREATE A STRONG AND VIABLE <br />COMMERCIAL DISTRICT SUPPORTED BY SAFE <br />AND WELL-MAINTAINED SUPPORTING NEIGH- <br />BORHOODS. <br /> <br />2.1 Goal One: To retain and upgrade the area 's commercial <br />character while improving and expanding its role as a signif- <br />icant regional commercial district. <br /> <br />Objectives: I. <br /> <br />Create a wide but cohesive mix of com- <br />mercial land uses and activities through- <br />out the planning area including region- <br />al, community, and neighborhood-serv- <br />ing commercial activities. <br /> <br />Organize common economic/land-use <br />activities within the planning area into <br />distinct activity zones with a strong <br />sense of identity. <br /> <br />Limit residential development along the <br />Harbor Boulevard corridor to the exist- <br />ing cluster of residential uses. <br /> <br />Encourage uses that have high-quality <br />design values throughout the planning <br />area, especially at main entries and <br />major intersections including high-qual- <br />ity, family-oriented, full-service restau- <br />rants, integrated community-serving <br />shopping centers and office buildings. <br /> <br />Provide a balance of shopping and <br />employment opportunities for both local <br />residents and the region as a whole. <br /> <br />6. Establish strategies for achieving lot con- <br /> solidation throughout the planning area. <br /> <br />7. Ensure the consistent application of <br /> development standards, and the elimina- <br /> tion of activities that are incompatible <br /> with improving the area's overall image. <br /> <br />Continue to fund and support communi- <br />ty improvement strategies including <br />assertive policing and the provision of <br />community service programs to alleviate <br />crime and social problems along the cor- <br />ridor. <br /> <br />2.2 Goal Two: To enhance and support the residential <br />ne/ghborhaods surrounding Harbor Boulevard. <br /> <br />Objectives: 1. Reduce the potential land use conflicts <br /> between residential and commerdal <br /> activities through the implementation of <br /> design standards, appropriate land use <br /> designations and buffer.~. <br /> <br />2. Provide and maintain a variety of neigh- <br /> borhood-serving commercial activities <br /> along Harbor Boulevard and First St~et <br /> including, but not limited to, neighbor- <br /> hood shopping centers, sit-down fami- <br /> ly-style restaurants, theaters, and neigh- <br /> borhood-oriented services. <br /> <br />Improve intra-neighborhood circulation <br />through enhanced collector streets and <br />pedestrian travel routes, land use plan <br />ning that clusters neighborhood serving <br />uses, and improved traffic flow on <br />Harbor Boulevard. <br /> <br />Retain, expand and/or redesignate <br />open space areas when possible and/or <br />necessary, including Santa Anita Park, <br />Campesino Park and Willowick Golf <br />Course. <br /> <br />Use landscaping, entry monuments and <br />other design features to define residen- <br />tial neighborhoods and enhance neigh- <br />borhood identity. <br /> <br />6. Continue to support and assist neigh- <br /> borhood organizations (e.g. associa- <br /> tions, community-oriented policy) to <br /> encourage neighborhood pride, revital- <br /> ization and a catalyst for dialogue <br /> between residents, local businesses and <br /> City staff. <br /> <br /> <br />