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7. Continue to fund and support commu- <br /> nity improvement strategies such as re- <br /> sidential rehabilitation loan programs, <br /> policing and code enforcement efforts, <br /> and public improvements to alleviate <br /> crime and social problems and improve <br /> the quality of life in the neighborhoods. <br /> <br />2.3 Goal Three: To im?,ove vehicular and pedestrian cir- <br />oulation in and around the Harbor Boulevard area. <br /> <br />Objectives: 1. Complete widening of all streets to their <br /> ultimate widths using a combination of <br /> public/private funds and dedications. <br /> <br />Reduce traffic congestion to acceptable <br />levels of service through median con- <br />struction, lane configuration, signaliza- <br />tion and other traffic control tech- <br />niques. <br /> <br />Encourage pedestrian circulation <br />through the creation of new pedestrian <br />links and the development of enhanced <br />parkways and sidewalks. <br /> <br />4. Improve vehicular approaches to Harbor <br /> Boulevard along McFadden Avenue, <br /> First Street, Hazard Avenue, Fifth Street <br /> and Westminster Avenue. <br /> <br />Provide improved service and access for <br />handicapped individuals including, but <br />not limited to, handicap ramps, parking <br />spaces, transit access and handicap <br />access routes to all new buildings. <br /> <br />Enhance public transit systems in the <br />study area by including turnouts at des- <br />ignated bus stops, shelters and handi- <br />capped access which should be carried <br />out in dose cooperation with transit <br />operators. <br /> <br />7. Improve the traffic circulation along <br /> Harbor Boulevard by reducing the num- <br /> ber of driveways, encouraging larger lot <br /> development and promoting !ntegrated <br /> development. <br /> <br />2.4 Goal Four:. To achieve an aesthetic visual consistency <br />throughout the Harbor Boulevard area while improving and <br />upga, ading tho visual image of the adjacent areas. <br /> <br />C)bjectives: 1. <br /> <br />Achieve a uniformly, hlgh-cjuality visual <br />image throughout the area I~y the imple- <br />mentation of consistent development <br />standards and land use patterns. <br /> <br />Implement and maintain a systematic <br />landscaping pattern and standards for <br />both public and private land that is <br />attractive, appropriate and easily main- <br />tained. <br /> <br />Enhance the commercial character of the <br />area while achieving an attractive urban <br />corridor atmosphere by implementing <br />design and architectural standards for <br />both new and rehabilitated structures. <br /> <br />Place major emphasis on improving the <br />visual appearance of all arterial streets <br />through an aggressive streetscape <br />improvement program. <br /> <br />Create a visually active environment <br />with the use of mimetic architecture and <br />innovative signage. <br /> <br />Coordinate visual improvement strate- <br />gies and implementation with adjacent <br />jurisdictions and other agencies where <br />necessary. <br /> <br />2.5 Goal Five:. To enhance the economic viability of the <br />Harbor Boulevard area. <br /> <br />Objectives: 1. <br /> <br />Assist local businesses and property <br />owners through available finandng and <br />other means in upgrading their proper- <br />ties or expanding their businesses <br />where appropriate and consistent with <br />this Specific Plan. <br /> <br />Work to retain existing and emerging <br />businesses that are consistent with the <br />Specific Plan, wherever and whenever <br />possible, through redevelopment or <br />rehabilitation efforts. <br /> <br />Recru!t and actively encourage new <br />businesses into the area that will meet <br />the standards of this Specific Plan, <br />enhance the overall quality of the area <br />and contribute to its overall economic <br />vigor. <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br /> <br />