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In Re <br /> <br />Communication <br /> <br />City Attorney <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Request <br /> <br />S.A. Jr. C. of C. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Communication <br /> <br />Arthur E. Curren <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Communication <br /> <br />S.A. Lions Club <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Communication <br /> <br />Park Supt. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Petition & Communication; <br /> <br />P.T.A. & Board of Education <br /> <br />Communication from City Attorney reZ~tive to request <br /> <br /> of Planning Commission that they be furnished a revised <br /> Zoning Ordinance was read and on motion of Trustee <br /> Deckert, seconded by Cheney and carried, comunioation <br /> was received and filed and Clerk instructed to send a <br /> copy of the communication to the Planning Commission. <br /> <br /> Council members having been contacted on the application <br /> of the Santa Ana Jr. Chamber of Co~nerce for permission <br /> to use 6th St. between Sycamore and Broadway on Wednesd~ <br /> night, Oct. 31, 1948, for the purpose of the Second <br /> Annual Halloween Hi-Jinks Street Dance and use of <br /> Municipal Bowl for purpose of children's parade and <br /> entertainment on the same night, permission was <br /> unofficially granted and on motion of Trustee Deckert, <br /> seconded by Cheney and carried, communication was <br /> received and filed. <br /> <br /> Communication from Arthur E. Curren protesting against <br /> erection of a residence 20x24' on rear of lot at 380 <br /> Beverly Place was read and on motion of Trustee Deckert <br /> seconded by Cheney and carried, communication was re£errE <br /> to Building Inspector for investigation and to report <br /> back at next meeting. <br /> <br /> Communication from Chairman, Boys Work Committee, Santa <br /> Ana Lions Club stating that they have secured permission <br /> from the Santa Ana Rotary Club to share the use of cabin <br /> in Jack Fisher Park for the Boy Scout Troop #19 sponsore¢ <br /> by the Lions Club, and requesting approval of the Council <br /> was read. <br /> <br /> On motion of Trustee Haan, seconded by Cheney and <br /> <br /> carried, the request was granted, Clerk to notify Lions <br /> Club of Council's action. <br /> <br />Communication from Dale Griggs, Park Supt. advising that <br />certain improvements should be made at the Bowl since <br />the Army will no longer utilize the facilities at the <br />Bowl, was read. <br /> <br /> On motion of Trustee Haan, seconded by Cheney and <br /> was <br /> carried, Park Supt./authorized to communicate with the <br /> <br /> Army Headquarters and have necessary work done to restore <br /> the Bowl in proper condition. <br /> <br />.Communication and petition from Parent-Teachers, Assoc. <br />of Wilson Grammer School and communication from Board <br />of Education requesting that speed limit on l?th St. <br />between Flower and Bristol Sts. be lowered; the employ- <br />ment of more crossing guards; a~ increase in wages for <br />all crossing guards and the purchase of more metal <br /> <br /> <br />