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iLO <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Report of <br /> <br />Diehl & Co. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Petition returned <br />to annex certain <br />property <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Request <br /> <br />U.S.0. Inc. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Change o f Zone <br /> <br />Proposed Jr. College Site <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Variance No. <br /> <br />Window Shade Shop <br /> <br />F.Russell Hardcastle <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Protest <br /> <br />Orange Co. <br /> <br />Medical Assoc. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Appoint <br /> <br />Rev. F.W.Niedringhaus <br /> <br />Recreation Commission <br /> <br /> On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Haan and <br /> carried, the report submitted by Diehl & Company, <br /> Accountants, covering the audit of City accounts for the <br /> period July l, 1944 to June 30, 1948, was received and <br /> filed. <br /> <br />,, <br /> <br />A report from the City Attorney was read relative to <br />legal procedure to follow covering the annexation of <br />contiguous property located southeast of the City of <br />Santa Ana and on motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by <br />Haan and carried, Clerk was instructed to return petitio <br />to Mrs. Pearl Nelson, circulator of petition, together <br />with copy of Attorney's ~-eport~ <br /> <br />,, <br /> <br />ComsA~nication from U.S.0. Director requesting permission <br />to place an arrow sign on lamp post at corner of 4th and <br />Sycamore Sts. pointing toward the Y.M.C.A. where the <br />Club is located, was read, and on motion of TEAstee <br />Deckert, seconded by Haan and carried, matter was <br />referred to City Engineer with power to act. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Cheney and <br />carried, Clerk was instructed to publisha notice of <br />hearing in a newspaper of general circulation, ten days <br />prior to next nB eting of the Council on November 19th, <br />relative to change of zone for proposed location of <br />Junior College on West l~th St. and Bristol, in accord- <br />ance with the application of the Board of Education for <br />rezoning of said property. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Cheney and <br />carried, communication and Resolution No. $0 of the <br />Planning Connmission approving application of F. Russell <br />Hardcastle and Rosann M. Hardcastle, to conduct retail <br />sales and maintenance of window shades and venetian <br />blinds, at 108 E. ?th St., located in a multiple dwellinl <br />and apartment house district, was received and action of <br />the Planning Commission approved. <br /> <br />Communication from Pres. Orange County Medical Assoc., <br />protesting against final passage of Ordinance increasing <br />license rates for professional men, was read and on <br />motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Cheney and <br />carried, con~nunication was received and filed. <br /> <br />On recommendation of the Mayor and on motion of Trustee <br /> <br />Deckert, seconded by Haan and carried, Rev. F.W. <br /> <br />Ntedringhaus was appointed to replace Wesley G.Edwards, <br /> <br />as a member of the Recreation Commission, term to expire <br />July Sth, 1948. <br /> <br /> <br />