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In Re <br /> <br />Cpen]n~ of Bids <br /> <br />?~le of qonds <br /> <br />This being the time and place fixed for the opening of <br />bids for the $1,500,000 Municipal Improvement Bonds of the <br />City of Ssnta Aha, the C]erk announced that four (4) bids <br />hsd been received, and thereupon each of said bids was <br />p~blicly opened, examined and declared. The required <br />certifie~ or cashier's check accompanied each of said <br />bids. The bids are as follows: <br />Bid of Bankers Trust Co., Harriman Ripley & Co. Inc., <br />Equitable Securities Co~poration, First of Nichigan.Corp- <br />oration, Schwabacher & Co.~- Bonds i to 300 incl. 3~ interest <br />Bonds 301 to 1500 incl. 1~% interest. Premium $150.00. <br />Bid of Weeden & Co., American Trust Co., Harris Trust and <br />SavinFs Bank, The National City Bank of New ~ork, Hannaford <br />& Talbot - Bonds i to 22~ incl. 2~.~ interest, Bonds 226 to <br />1500 incl. 1~% interest. Premtum...150.O0. <br />aid of Bank of America N.T. ~ S.A. First National Batik of <br />Santa Aha, Blythe and Compsny, Inc., Wm. R. Staats Company, <br />Heller, Bruce & Company - ~$300,000 par value maturing July <br />l, 194V to July l, 1950 incl. bearing interest at 3%. <br />$1,200,000 par value maturi~ July l, 1951 to J~ly.1, 1966~ <br />incl. bearing interest at 1~%, and will pay par an~ accruec <br />interest to date of deliver~I, plus a premium of $1,219.00. <br />Bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc., The First National Bank <br />of Chicago, Braun, Bosworth & Co., Incorporated, C.E.Childs <br />and Company, Tnoo~porated, The Milwaukee Company, Thoma~ <br />Kemp & Company -2% for bonds due 194V thru 1950, inclusxve. <br />l~for bonds due 1951 thru 196~, inclusive; par plus <br />accrued interest to the date of 'delivery.and in addition <br />thereto a premium of $817.50. <br /> On motion of Trust~' Deckert, seconded by Haan and ca~ied, <br /> bids were referred to the Auditor for computation and to <br /> report back ht meeting to be held May 14th, <br /> <br />1946, at 1:30 P.M <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Communication <br /> <br />Hailroad CommLssion <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Con~nunication <br /> <br />Office of The Controller <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Communication <br /> <br />U.S.Dept.of Interior <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Haan and <br />carried, co~m~unication from Railroad Commission referenc, <br />hearings on applications by Los Angeles Transit Lines, <br />Pacific Electric Ry. Co. and Los Angeles ~lotor Coach <br />Lines, relative to authority to exercise franchise <br />rights and privileges granted by City of Los Angeles, <br />was received and filed. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Haan and <br />carried, comm~mication from Office of The Controller <br />reference "In Lieu" Tax Apportionz~ents, was received <br />and filed. <br /> <br />On recommendation of the City Engineer and on motion of <br />Trustee Haan, seconded by Deckert and carried, request <br />of U.~. Department of the Interior for a gaging station <br />on Santiago Creek at Baker St., was approved. <br /> <br />In ~e <br /> <br />C ormmuni c ~tion <br /> <br />All Am~ric~n Bus Lin~s, Inc. <br /> <br />In Re <br />Beverage <br />Applications <br /> <br />Recommendation of the City Engineer that All American <br />Bus Lines, Inc. be granted permission to use M.&.W.depot <br />for loading ~nd unloading passengers and that all bus <br />companies be required to obtain off street parking and <br /> <br />cerried, recom~endation of the City Engineer was accepte~ <br />with the provision that a tinge limit of six months be <br />s~t for All American Bus Lines, Inc. to secure a permanent <br />off street depot instead of using ~I.&.W. depot. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Haan and <br />carried, notifications of the State. Board of Equaliz~tio~ <br />of alcoholic beverage applications made by Joe L. Sandka~p <br /> <br /> <br />