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California, is hereby designated as the hour, day, and place where <br /> <br />any person owning real property within s.aid territory may appear be- <br /> <br />fore the legislative body a~d show cause why said territory should <br /> <br />not 0e annexed to t~e City of Santa Ana. At any time not later than <br /> <br />said hour ny owner of property within said territory may make written <br /> <br />protest against said election. The protest sh~ll state in gener~ <br /> <br />terms the name of the owner of the property affected and the location <br /> <br />and area of the property as provided for in Section 3~,120 of the <br /> <br />Government Code of the State of California. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the territory herein designated <br />"West Santa Ana Annex" and herein referred to lies in ~e County of <br /> <br />Orange, State of Califonata, and is described as: <br /> <br /> Beginning at an angle point in the City boundary of the City <br /> of Santa Ana, California, said angle point being the intersec- <br /> tion of the north line of Seventeenth Street (80.00 feet wide) <br /> and the easterly right of way line of the former Newbert <br /> Protection Distrdct Right of Way for the Channel of the Sauta <br /> Aha River; thence North 89° l~' 40" East along said north line <br /> of Seventeenth Street, and along said City boundary ~48.7~ feet <br /> to a point in the northeasterly extension of the monumented <br /> center line of King Street and to an angle point in said City <br /> boundary; thenGe northeasterly along the westerly boundary of <br /> the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana and ~ong said City boundary <br /> to its intersection with the easterly extension of the ncr th <br /> line of Trask Avenue (40.00 feet wide); thence westerly alo~ <br /> said north line and its easterly extension to the west line of <br /> Berrydale Street (80.00 feet wide) and to the existing City <br /> boundary of the City of Garden Grove, California; thence south- <br /> erly a~ong said west line of Berrydale to the north line of <br /> Tract ~o. 1369 shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 4~, Page <br /> 17, Niscellaneous ~aps, Records of 0raage County, C~ifomia; <br /> thence westerly along the north line of said Tract No. 1369 to <br /> the northwest corner thereof and to said C%ty boundary of <br /> Garden Grove, California, and to the east line of the west half <br /> (~ 1/2) of the southeast quarter (SE l/4) of Section 3, Township <br /> ~ South, Range l0 west, San Bernard~no Base and ~eridian; thence <br /> southerly along said east line to the northeasterly line of the <br /> Pacific Electric Railway Company right of way (100.00 feet <br /> wide); thence northwesterly along said northeasterly line to <br /> the south line of the north half (N 1/2) of the north half <br /> (N 1/2), Section l0 in said Township ~ South, Range l0 Mest; <br /> thence easterly along said south line to the west line of <br /> the northeast quarter (NE l/4) of said Section 10; thence <br /> northerly along said west line to the easterly extension of <br /> the north line of Westminster Avenue and to said boundary of <br /> Garden Grove; thence westerly along said north line and said <br /> boundary to the northerly prolongation of the west line of <br /> the east ~.23 acres of the northeast quarter (NE l/4) of the <br /> northeast quarter (~VE 1/4) of the northwest quarter (k~ 1/4) <br /> of Section 9; thence southerly, along said northerly prolonga- <br /> tion and said west line, to the south line of said northeast quart- <br /> er (i~E 1/4) of the northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of the northwest <br /> quarter (~ 1/4) of Section 9; thence westerly, along said south <br /> line, to the east line of Tract No. 1273, as shown on a map <br /> thereof recorded in Book 39, page 2~ of ~iscellaneous ~aps, <br /> Records of said County of Orange; thence northerly, along <br /> <br /> <br />