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ORDINANCE No. vvg. <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE C[~ OF SANTA ANA, ANENDING <br />"TRAFFIC ~DINANCE" NO. VV3. <br /> <br /> SECTION 1. The Board of Trustees of the City of Santa Ana do <br />ordain as follows, to-wit: <br /> 1. That Ordinance No. VV~ of the City of S~ta Aha, and that <br />Article IV, Section XIV, sub-section 3 thereof which reads "Between <br />the hours of seven A.M. and slx P.M. of any day excepting Sundays <br />and holidays, no vehicle shall be turned to the left into or out __ <br />of any a]]ey or driveway in the Central Traffic D~strict, or in <br />any business district or upon any intersection where the Street <br />Superintendent shall have posted on the approaching side of the <br />roadway a proper signal so directing" is hereby amended so as to <br />read as follows: "Between the hours of seven A.M. and six <br />of any day, no vehicle shall be turned to the left into or out of <br />any alley or d~iveway in the Central Traffic District, or in any <br />business district or upon any intersection where the Street <br />Su~rintendent shall have posted on the a~proachlng side of the <br />roadway a proper signal so directing." <br /> 2. 'l~at Ordinance No. 773 of the City of Santa Ana, and <br />that Article IV, Section XIV, subsection 4 thereof which reads <br />"Between the hours of seven A.M. a~d six P.M. of any day, <br />excepting Sundays, no vehicle shall be turned at an intersection <br />in the Central Traffic District or in any b,Tsiness district in <br />such manner as to cause the same to proceed in an opposite <br />direction upon the street upon which said vehicle is travelin~ <br />at the time of entering said intersection" is hereby amended sm as <br />to read as follows: "Between the hours of seven A.M. and six <br />P.M. of any day, no vehicle shall be turned at an intersection <br />in the Central Traffic District or in any business district in <br />such manner as to cause the same to proceed in an oppo~te <br />direction upon the street u~on which said vehicle is traveling <br />a~ the time of entering said intersection." <br /> 3. That Ordinance No. ?V~ of the City of Santa Aha, and -- <br />that Article V, Seetlon XXVI thereof which reads: "Subject <br />to the provision of Sections 2A and 25 of this Ordinance, between <br />the hours of seven A.~. and six P.~. of any day, it shall be <br />unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to ~ark said vehicle <br />in any part of tbs Central Traffic District for a period of time <br />longer than two (2) hours or in any business district for a <br />period of time longer than two (2) hours" is hereby amended so <br />as to read as follows: "Subject to the provisions of Sections <br />24 and 25 of this Ordinance, between the hours of seven A.M. <br />and six P.M. of any day, excepting Sundays ~nd holidays, it shall <br />be unlawful for the operator of any %ehlcle to p~rk said vehicle <br />in any part of the Central Traffic D~ trtct for a period of <br />time longer than two (2) hours, or in any business district for a <br />period of t~me longer than two (2.) hours." <br /> <br /> <br />