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2024-055 - City of Santa Ana Approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 2023-01
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2024-055 - City of Santa Ana Approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 2023-01
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1/14/2025 12:00:43 PM
Creation date
10/9/2024 10:41:46 AM
City Clerk
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8. Public Street Lights. Owner shall construct, at their sole expense, new public <br />streetlights, including underground conduit and wiring, immediately along the <br />Project's frontage on the west side of Bristol Street between Sunflower Avenue <br />and MacArthur Boulevard, along the north side of Sunflower Avenue between <br />Bristol Street and western edge of the property, along the south side of <br />MacArthur Boulevard between Plaza Drive and Bristol Street, and along the east <br />side of Plaza Drive immediately along the Project frontage. Such new public <br />street lights shall be constructed in a phased manner to correspond to the <br />phasing of the Project and consistent with the phasing of the public street <br />improvements. <br />9. Street Medians. As specified on the Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Owner shall <br />modify, at their sole expense, the public street medians along Bristol Street <br />between Sunflower Avenue and MacArthur Blvd, along Sunflower Avenue <br />between Bristol Street and the western edge of the Property, along Plaza Drive <br />between MacArthur and Callens Common, and construct new medians on <br />MacArthur Boulevard between Plaza Drive and Bristol Street. Medians shall be <br />constructed in a phased manner to correspond to the phasing of the Project and <br />consistent with the phasing of the public street improvements. <br />10. Bike Lanes. Owner shall, at their sole expense, stripe Class II buffered bike lanes <br />along the project's frontage on the west side of Bristol Street between Sunflower <br />Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard, along the north side of Sunflower Avenue <br />between Bristol Street and western edge of the property, along the south side of <br />MacArthur Boulevard between Plaza Drive and Bristol Street as shown on the <br />Vesting Tentative Tract Map. Bike lanes shall be installed in a phased manner to <br />correspond to the phasing of the Project and consistent with the phasing of the <br />public street improvements. <br />11. Sidewalks. Owner shall reconstruct, at their sole expense, the sidewalks <br />immediately along the Project's frontage on the west side of Bristol Street <br />between Sunflower Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard, along Sunflower Avenue <br />between Bristol Street and western edge of the property, along MacArthur <br />Boulevard between Plaza Drive and Bristol Street, and along the east side of <br />Plaza Drive immediately along the Project frontage, as shown on the Vesting <br />Tentative Tract Map. Sidewalks shall be installed in a phased manner to <br />correspond to the phasing of the Project and consistent with the phasing of the <br />public street improvements. <br />12. Street Improvements. owner shall construct, at their sole expense, new curb and <br />gutter along the project's frontage on the west side of Bristol Street between <br />Sunflower Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard, along the north side of Sunflower <br />Avenue between Bristol Street and western edge of the property, along the south <br />side of MacArthur Boulevard between Plaza Drive and Bristol Street, and along <br />the east side of Plaza Drive immediately along the Project frontage, as shown on <br />the Vesting Tentative Tract Map. Curb and gutter shall be installed in a phased <br />manner to correspond to the phasing of the Project and consistent with the <br />Resolution No. 2024-055 <br />Page 8 of 27 <br />
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