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DocuSign Envelope ID: 9EOODCF9-CB2D-429E-9C75-BECB90054AA3 <br />B. Contractor should be aware that on occasion, emergency situations may require special <br />handling to meet specific publishing deadlines. Contractor must agree and be prepared to assist <br />the County in these special situations. <br />C. The County will not be responsible for the cost of any notice published late or after the <br />requested publication deadline when the request for publication was transmitted to the <br />Contractor within the specified deadline. <br />D. Contractor is responsible for all costs that may be required to fulfill services under this contract. <br />IX. PUBLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: <br />A. Contractor will work with County staff to establish standard procedures for County departments <br />that advertise on a regular basis. Copies of these standard procedures will be distributed to the <br />appropriate County departments. <br />B. Other administrative services available to County departments include confirmation of receipt <br />of ad copy, advance proofs when requested and ad placement software with department specific <br />user and billing information; media lists, and dedicated ad placement coordinator. <br />X. TRANSMITTAL OF ADVERTISING COPY: <br />A. Contractor shall receive legal notices for publication through web -based Internet access, e-mail <br />or fax. Contractor shall review all material submitted for publication to ensure accuracy. The <br />County will be notified immediately of any issues with the advertising copy. <br />B. Contractor shall establish electronic delivery methods with County departments. Electronic <br />delivery provides an efficient method of submitting ad text directly to typesetting systems. <br />These methods are efficient and provide opportunities for increased accuracy, shorter <br />deadlines, convenient confirmations and advance price calculations. <br />C. Departments that do not submit advertising through the Contractor's web -based internet access <br />or email may provide the advertising text and instructions via fax. The advertising request <br />should include advertising text with publishing instructions along with contact name, and phone <br />numbers, billing information and other details that provide for convenient, efficient and <br />accurate ad placement service and billing. <br />XI. ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION: <br />A. Contractor will provide web -based internet access to County user departments. The web -based <br />internet access will provide boilerplate formats for frequently used notices/advertisements and <br />allow importing of existing documents into its typesetting system. The Contractor's automated <br />publication management system shall allow user departments to submit the publication <br />instructions and produce an online advance proof of the newspaper in -column ad instantly. It <br />shall also provide an option to designate and monitor advertisement placed by a monitoring <br />central department on behalf of other user departments. <br />B. The web -based internet access will capture original keystrokes and format to the specifications <br />of the newspapers. It will also provide access to advertisement status/activity reports and budget <br />tracking reports per department. The Contractor's ad placement coordinator shall review all <br />electronically transmitted orders for accuracy to eliminate errors. County staff may opt to <br />receive invoices, proof of publication, and statements by email. <br />C. Legal notices delivered electronically should be in Microsoft Word or ASCII text file format. <br />The Contractor will convert notices to Word format when necessary. <br />XII. SCHEDULING AND CONFIRMATION: <br />A. Contractor staff shall review publishing instructions after each legal advertising request or <br />notice copy is received. <br />County of Orange, County Procurement Office Page 20 of 26 RCA-017-23010049 <br />Legal Notice, Public Awareness Advertising and Publishing File No. 2415301 Daily Journal Corporation <br />Services <br />