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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-34 <br />• Give Info <br />• Give Care <br />Ready 2 Help is designed for children ages 8 and up. Additional information, including <br />an ordering form, is available at <br /> <br />Supplemental OPSG Program Guidance <br />OPSG supports enhanced cooperation and coordination among CBP, USBP, and federal and SLTT law <br />enforcement agencies to improve overall border security. OPSG provides funding to support joint efforts <br />to secure the United States’ borders along routes of ingress/egress to and from international borders to <br />include travel corridors in states bordering Mexico and Canada, as well as states and territories with <br />international water borders. OPSG also further enhances the sharing of threat information and intelligence <br />between federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies through the development and <br />sustainment of a capable workforce of analysts that have the necessary experience and training, access to <br />open source, unclassified and classified information, products, data, suspicious activity reporting, <br />tips/leads, and online/social media-based threats, as well as necessary services and technology to facilitate <br />analytic capabilities and collaboration. <br /> <br />SLTT law enforcement agencies will utilize their own law enforcement authorities to support the CBP <br />and USBP border security mission and will not receive any additional authority as a result of participation <br />in the grant. An OPSG award does not provide any additional authority to SLTT law enforcement <br />agencies. More specifically, SLTT law enforcement agencies are not empowered through OPSG to <br />enforce immigration authorities under Title 8 of the U.S. Code (i.e., the Immigration and Nationality Act). <br /> <br />SLTT law enforcement agencies are expected utilize their own jurisdictional authority in support of <br />enhanced border security unless some other agreement applies. SLTT law enforcement agencies are <br />further expected to operate within the bounds of all applicable laws, to include federal laws, state statutes, <br />and local laws, policies, and procedures. <br /> <br />OPSG is intended to support border states and territories of the United States in accomplishing the <br />following objectives: <br /> <br />• Increase intelligence and operational capabilities to prevent, protect against, and respond to <br />border security issues <br />• Increase coordination and collaboration among federal and SLTT law enforcement agencies <br />• Continue the distinct capability enhancements required for border security and border protection <br />• Provide intelligence-based operations through USBP Sector Level experts to ensure safety and <br />operational oversight of federal and SLTT law enforcement agencies participating in OPSG <br />operational activities <br />• Support a request to any Governor to activate, deploy, or redeploy specialized National Guard <br />Units/Packages and/or elements of state law enforcement to increase or augment <br />specialized/technical law enforcement elements operational activities <br />• Continue to increase operational, material, and technological readiness of SLTT law enforcement <br />agencies <br />• Enhance the sharing of threat information and intelligence between federal and SLTT law <br />enforcement agencies <br />• Develop and sustain a capable workforce of analysts that have the necessary experience and <br />training, as well as access to open source, unclassified, and/or classified information, products,