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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-35 <br />data, suspicious activity reporting, tips/leads, and online/social media-based threats, and the <br />necessary services and technology to facilitate these analytic activities <br /> <br />OPSG funds must be used to provide an enhanced law enforcement presence and to increase operational <br />and intelligence capabilities of federal and SLTT law enforcement, promoting a layered, coordinated <br />approach to law enforcement within border states and territories of the United States. <br /> <br />• Federal and SLTT OPSG Integrated Planning Team (IPT). Federal and SLTT partners must <br />establish and maintain a formalized OPSG IPT with representation from all participating law <br />enforcement agencies, co-chaired by representatives from USBP, the SAA, and participating law <br />enforcement agencies’ OPSG program representatives. <br />• No fewer than two IPT meetings must take place during every funding year: <br />o Prior to submitting the Concept of Operations (application) <br />o Prior to submitting the Campaign Plan <br />• OPSG funds may be used for travel and per diem in support of the IPTs and OPSG strategic <br />planning events as long as the costs are otherwise compliant with other program and regulatory <br />requirements. <br /> <br />Coordination Requirements <br />All operational plans should be crafted in cooperation and coordination among federal and SLTT <br />partners. Consideration will be given to applications that are coordinated across multiple jurisdictions. All <br />applicants must coordinate with the USBP Sector Headquarters with geographic responsibility for the <br />applicant’s location in developing and submitting an Operations Order with an embedded budget to the <br />SAA. OPSG funds must be used to provide increased operational capabilities to SLTT partners in support <br />of enhanced border security through: <br /> <br />• Enhanced Law Enforcement Presence <br />• Enhanced Situational Awareness <br />• Enhanced Intelligence Collection and Distribution <br /> <br />After awards are announced, prospective recipients will re-scope the draft Operations Order and resubmit <br />it as a final Operations Order with an embedded budget based on actual dollar amounts awarded. The <br />appropriate Sector Headquarters will approve final Operations Orders and forward those orders to <br />Headquarters, Office of Border Patrol, Washington, DC, before funding is released. Recipients may not <br />begin operations, obligate, or expend any funds until FEMA and USBP Headquarters have approved the <br />final Operations Order and the embedded budget and removed any existing special conditions and/or <br />restrictions. <br /> <br />Transportation Costs and Costs Related to the Provision of Acute Medical Care <br />Please see IB 438 for information on transportation costs and costs related to the provision of acute <br />medical care under an OPSG award. <br /> <br />OPSG Operations Order Template and Instructions <br /> <br />Operations Order Template Instructions <br />To access the OPSG Operations Order Template: <br /> <br />• Find the Homeland Security Grant Program posting via the search function on