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Traffic Signal Modification Project <br />August 16, 2022 <br />Page 2 <br />5. Approve the Project Cost Analysis for a total estimated construction delivery cost of <br />$929,687, which includes $734,930 for the construction contract; $121,264 for <br />contract administration, inspection and testing; and a $73,493 project contingency for <br />unanticipated or unforeseen work to be funded from Highway Safety Improvement <br />Program grant funds. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The recommended actions are needed to proceed with the modification of two existing <br />traffic signals which add left -turn arrow indications at the intersections of 1st Street at <br />Jackson Street and 5th Street at Euclid Street (Exhibits 1 and 2). Once completed, these <br />traffic signal improvements will increase safety for motorists and pedestrians at this <br />intersection. <br />The Public Works Agency was awarded a $726,128 Highway Safety Improvement <br />Program (HSIP) grant for this project, which was recognized in the City Council -approved <br />Fiscal Year 2017-18 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). A total of $129,800 was <br />earmarked for Preliminary Engineering. The spending authorization for the remaining <br />$596,328 in construction funding was received in April 2021. Staff is requesting City <br />Council approval to recognize and re -appropriate this grant allocation for expenditure in <br />Fiscal Year 2022-23. <br />In June 2022, an additional $119,400 in HSIP grant funds was authorized, bringing the <br />total HSIP grant funds available for the project to $715,728. The additional $119,400 in <br />HSIP grant funds received has been allocated from additional available funds within the <br />HSIP grant program administered by the State. Staff is requesting City Council approval <br />to recognize and appropriate the additional grant allocation of $119,400 in construction <br />phase grant funding for expenditure in Fiscal Year 2022-23. <br />Upon approval of the requested appropriation adjustments and the existing project funds, <br />the total funds available for construction will be $929,687, which is composed of $715,728 <br />in grant funding and $213,959 in General Fund monies were budgeted and appropriated <br />as part of the FY 2022-23 City budget in the Public Works Traffic /Transportation -Service <br />Enhancements expenditure account. The proposed Capital Improvement Program <br />amendment allows for these signalized intersection traffic safety enhancements to add <br />the additional grant funds of $119,400 and local funds of $213,959 for construction in the <br />capital improvements program (Exhibit 3). <br />Public Outreach and Contractor Participation <br />To provide an opportunity for local vendors to submit bids, a Notice Inviting Bids was <br />advertised in the Orange County Register newspaper on October 26 and November 2, <br />2021. The project was also advertised on PlanetBids on October 26, 2021, and bids were <br />received electronically via PlanetBids on November 16, 2021. The City notified a total of <br />355 regional vendors via PlanetBids and 26 vendors requested bidding documents. <br />