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placed person's place of en~t~loyment, aud available on the <br />Ina l'}~.e t, <br /> (2) Tile amount, if any. which will compensate tile dis- <br />p]i~ccd owner for ;Iny illercascd interest costs which he is re- <br />qnired to pay for fi,ancing the ac(ittisition of a comparable <br />repla¢.emcnt dwelling. The ammmt si.all be paid only if the <br />acquired dwelling was em.umbered bi' a bona fide mortgage . <br />whivh was a valid lien on such dv,,~lling for not less than <br />I80 days prior to the iaitlation of negotiations for the acquisi. <br />tion of such dwelling. The amouut shall be equal to the excess <br />in the aggregate interest nnd other debt service costs of that <br />amount of the principal of the mot'tf~age on the replacement <br />dwelling which is equal to the unpaid balance of the mortgage <br />on the acquired dwelling, over the remainder term of th~. <br />mortgage on the acquired dwelling, reduced to discounted <br />present valne. The discount rate shall be the prevailing inter- <br />cst rate paid (,n ~avings depoMts by commercial hanks in the <br />general area in which the reph~cement dwelling is located. <br /> (3) Reasonable expenses incurred by the displaced owner <br />for evidence of title, recording fees, and other closing costs <br />int:ident to the ptlrehase of the replacement dwelling, but not <br />incltnlin~ prepaid expenses. <br /> (C) SIIC]I l);t}'nlpnt shall be made only to a displaced owner <br />who purchases end occnpics a rcplacement dwelling that meets <br />standards established by the public entity within one year <br />subsequent to the elate pn which he moves from the dwelling <br />acquired by the public entity or ihe date on which he receives <br />fr.m lhe public entity final payment of all costs of the dwell. <br />lng. acquired by the public entity, v, hichever is the lateP date. <br /> $~:c. 5. Section 726i of the Gov¢,rmnent Code is amended <br />tO read: <br /> 7264, (a) In addltioa [o the p~ym('nts require(1 by Section <br />7962, as n part of the cost of acquisition, the public entity <br /> In,ko n payment to ~llly displacrd person dlst)laeed from <br />any dwelling not eligible to rcccive a payment under Section <br />.7263 which was aclually and lawfully occupied by such person <br />for not less' than 90 days prior to thc initiation of negotiation <br />by the l)ublle entity for tho aeqldsition of such property. <br /> (h) Such paymoat, not 1o exceed four thdus;E~d dollars <br /> (SI,O00), shall be the additi.nal amount which is necessary <br />to enable stl('h pt'l}SOll tO Ir'liSp or rent for a period not to exceed <br />four 3'ears. or t{~ nlak(, tile downp}13'lllon[ on the purchase of, a <br />d~.cont, safe, ;Lnrl s. ll[tltry dw¢.lling of stantlards adequate to <br /> <br /> b~ m,~ard to public utilitlcs and public and commercial far:il- <br /> iiies. <br /> (~:) If lhe payn.,nt is robe used asa downpayment for <br /> a,.quisilion of a decent, safe, alld sanitary dwelling of stleh <br /> <br /> <br />