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RESOLUTION NO. 73-149 <br /> <br />A,?.¥?iDF:.D By: OFID/RES0 <br />I 0. <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF SANTA ANA ESTABLISHING THE TRANSPORTATION <br />ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council has previously established <br />the Mayor's Freeway Committee to advise the Council in <br />matters pertaining to freeway transportation within the <br />City of Santa Ana; and <br /> <br /> W~EREAS, it is now desired to establish an advisory <br />committee to succeed the said Mayor's Freeway Committee and <br />to represent the citizens of the City of Santa Ana in an <br />advisory capacity as to all matters pertaining to public <br />and private transportation within the City of Santa Ana. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Mayor's Free- <br />way Committee, as previously established by order of the <br />City Council, shall, on January 1, 1974, be dissolved. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a committee to consist <br />of eleven members to be appointed by majority vote of the <br />City Council and to be known as the Transportation Advisory <br />Committee is hereby established, to commence its duties in <br />January of 1974, said duties to consist of acting in an <br />advisory capacity to the City Council in the review and <br />development of systems, facilities, plans, policies, prio- <br />ities and programs concerning automobile, bus, bicycle, <br />pedestrian, rail, and all other forms of public and private <br />transportation, including vehicle parking, within the City <br />of Santa Ana; and of assisting all agencies of the City of <br />Santa Ana through the provision of input into the planning <br />and implementation process of transportation systems within <br />the City; and of receiving input from citizens, businessmen <br />and other groups and interests within the City for analysis <br />and distillation into practical and workable programs and <br />objectives, to be prepared by the committee with the assis- <br />tance of City staff personnel and submitted as recommenda- <br />tions to the City Council for approval and implementation. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the members of the said <br />Transportation Advisory Committee shall represent business, <br />industry, citizens and homeowners within the City of Santa <br />Ana, and, to the extent possible, shall be appointed so as <br />to represent the following organizations existing within <br />the City: the Cha~mber of Commerce, the Automobile Club, <br />the Orange County Transit District, the Human Relations <br />Commission, the Planning Commission, the Civic Center Com- <br />mission, the Redevelopment Commission, Senior Citizens, and <br />the Santa Ana Unified School District, as well as ~wo at- <br />large representatives of the entire city. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the regular term of mem- <br />bership upon the said Transportation Advisory Committee shall <br />be three years. At their first meeting, the members shall, by <br />drawing lots, select four each to serve for one and two year <br />terms and three to serve for three year terms. Vacancies <br />shall be filled by appointment to unexpired terms. When terms <br />expire, subsequent appointments shall be for three year terms. <br /> <br /> <br />