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Bid acceptance <br />Sanitary sewer on <br />Raitt St. (proposed) <br />from Talbert Ave. to <br />1067 ft. north of <br />Delhi Road <br /> <br />Hearing <br />"Center and Borchard <br />E. Annex~' <br />Ordinance <br /> <br />Hearing <br />Amend Section 9111 <br />of Municipal Code <br />Ordinance <br /> <br />Hearing <br />Francis X. Shoen <br />Amendme~ ~& <br /> <br />Hearing <br />Amendment initiated <br />by Planning Commission <br />Ordinanc~ ~ I <br /> <br />A tabulation of bids was presented by the Manager for the construction of sanitslV <br />sewer on Raitt Street (proposed) from'Talbert Avenue to 1067 feet north of Delhi <br /> <br />Road, Project No. l?, as follows: <br /> <br />J. P. S. Contracting Company, Thc. <br />Charles J. Dorfman <br />Edwin L. Barkley <br />Plumbing Contractors, Inc. Sanitary Div. <br />Barnett Brothers Construction Co. <br />Leo Weiler Company <br />G. E. Kerns Construction Co. <br />J. S. B~rrett <br /> <br />Total <br /> bid bond <br />34,563.10 10~ bid bond <br />50,855.30 10~ bid bond <br />2?,977.90 lO~ bid bond <br />30,653.1] l0 ~ bid bond <br />35,715.~0 10~ bid bond <br />25,884.50 lO, bid bond <br />~,201.?l lO, bid bond <br /> <br /> On recommendation of the Manager and on motion of Counc~lm~n Gould, seconded by <br /> Hubbard and carried, the low bid of J.P.S. Contracting Co. Inc., in the sum of <br /> ~22,633.80 was accepted and all other bids rejected. <br /> <br /> This being the date set for hearing on aanex~tion to the City of certain uninhabite <br /> territory designated "Center and Borchard E. ~mnex% and there being no protests, <br /> on motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Markel and carried, the following <br /> Ordinance entitled: <br /> <br /> "Ordinance declaring the annexation of that certain territory <br /> designated 'Center and Borchard E. Annex' TM <br /> <br /> was introduced, considered and placed on file for second reading. <br /> <br /> This being the date set for hearing on Council initiated amendment to amend Sectioz <br /> 9111 of the Municipal Code which establishes the M-1 District, by adding to paragrs <br /> thereof a subsection as follows: "25. Nothing herein is intended to Drohibit the <br /> compounding or processing of raw materi~ls in the course of fabrication or manu- <br /> facture of foam rubber or those products or articles known as camelback, tire <br /> repair material, sporting and athletic equit~nent and like articles made wholly or <br /> in part of rubber, latex or rubber-like materials. Communication was read from <br /> <br /> the Planning Commission recommending denial of the amendment. No written protests <br />Novel James of <br />were received._~ Zndustrial Development Division of the Chamber of Commerce spoke <br /> <br /> in favor and CounciLman Markel opposed the amendment. On motion of Councilzaan <br /> <br /> ' Gould, seconded by Hubbard and carried, the following Ordinance entitled: <br /> <br /> "Ordinance amending Article IX of the Santa Ana Municipal Code <br /> to add a new subparagraph (c) to Section 9111" <br /> <br /> instead of paragraph (b) subsection "25", was introduced, considered and placed on <br /> <br />Roll Call <br /> <br />file for second reading. <br /> <br /> Ayes, Councilmen <br /> <br /> Noes, Councilmen <br /> Absent, Councilmen <br /> <br />Royal E. Hubbard, Stanley C. Gould, Jr., <br />Dale H. He inty <br />J. Ogden Markel <br />A. A. Halt <br /> <br />This being the date set for hearing on the amendment application of Francis X. <br />Shoen for reclassification of property on the south side of Delhi Road, extending <br />from a point lB5 feet east of t&e southeast corner of Delhi Road and Main Street <br />to the west side of Orange Avenue, from R-1 and R-2 Districts to C-2-PK District, <br />on motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Markel and carried, the hearing was <br />continued until January 20, 1958. <br /> <br />This being the date set for hearing and no protests having been received, the <br />amendment initiated by the Plsnning Commission was considered to reclassify, from <br />R-1 District to M-1 District, all property located between Standard Avenue and the <br />S.P.Railway, between Delhi Road and a point approxfm~tely 800 feet north of St. <br />Andrew Place; and all property included in the "S.E. Southern Pacific and Delhi <br />Annex;", except a strip approximately 20 feet in depth from the present right-of~ <br />way line on the east side of Standard Avenue between Delhi Road and a point 800 <br />feet north of the north line of St. Andrew Place, which is to remain R-1 District, <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />ii <br /> <br /> <br />