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17 <br /> <br />Approve payment <br />W.E.Langston, Alert <br />Construction Co., <br />Reconstruct sewer <br />manhole, 1137 So. <br />Sullivan St~, <br /> <br />Plans and Specifi- <br />cations and advertise <br />for bids, Project S-27 <br />Construct Sewer in <br />Susan Street btn Talbert <br />and Segerstrom Aves. <br /> <br />Release Bond <br />Tract No. 2977 <br /> <br />Advertise for bids <br />Fire Hose <br /> <br /> Request <br /> Mrs.Ho%~urd M.Wallace <br />Return of Museum Pin <br /> <br />the determination of the Planning Co~ission be reversed and Condition No. i rema~ <br /> <br /> From the Board of Supervisors submitting certified copy of Resolution No. 60- <br />794 regarding a letter from the County ~gricultural Commissioner reporting that the <br />plague agremment between the County and the State Department of Agriculture has bee <br />discontinued and the area involved declared inactive July l, 1960, <br /> <br /> From the City of Tustiu submitting Resolution No. 526 requesting the City of <br />Santa Ana to enter into a contract providing sewage facilities for a portion of the <br />City of Tustin, <br /> <br /> From the Metropolitan Water District submitting certified copy of Resolution <br />No. 5777 levying a tax for the fiscal year 1960-61 for the purposes of the Metro- <br />politan Water District of Southern California, <br /> <br /> From the State Division of Highways requesting the City to review with them <br />any additions or deletions of certain streets found necessary to provide a major <br />street system and setting out criteria to be followed by the State Department in <br />their selection of streets~ <br /> <br /> From the Industrial Development Division, Chamber of C~mmerce, recommending <br />that every effort be made to again reduce the basic t~x rate for the year 1960-61 <br />as outlined in the Budget~ and to make even a further reduction if it can be accom- <br />plished, <br /> <br /> From Frank J. Gelinas, Secretary, Chamber of Commerce: urging the City Council <br /> ~,~ to accept the recommendations of the City Mm~na~er for a tax reduction of .07~ per <br />~6~ $100.00 assessed valuation, in the Budget for the fiscal year 1960-61, <br /> <br /> From Harold Yost~ City Schools, submitting Resolution in appreciation for the <br />use of City-owned land on the south side of Walnut Street, west of Parton Street, <br />for the locating of portable classrooms during the past two years, and letter dated <br />September l, 1960, submitting check in the amount of $2.08~ being rental fee for th <br />two-year period. <br /> <br /> From Robert A. Geier & Associates urging the lead of the Associated Chambers <br />of C~mnerce and Board of Supervisors in passing a Resolution opposing Proposition <br />No. !5, Bonelli Reapportionment Scheme, <br /> <br /> From the Planning Commission recommending appointment of Phillip Reilly to <br />Planning C~mnisslon, to fill vacancy created through resignation of Robert J. <br />McFarlane. <br /> <br /> From Mrs. Lorraine G. Hiers, 701 E. Buffalo Avenue, requesting consideration <br />of appointment as a member of the Library Board, <br /> <br /> From GleahD. Brown, l~O1 So. Sycamore Street, requesting consideration of <br />appointment as a member of the Library Board, and <br /> <br /> Notifications of the Depax'cment of Alcoholic Beverage Control of Beverage Ap- <br />plications of Harold R. Beaman and Fred A. Hendricks, Unit ~16, 1212 South Bristol <br />Street~ from Tiny Tim Markets: Inc., 1206 South Standard Avenue.: from Naomi E. and <br />Ray H. Cowley, 125 South Harbor Blvd. ~ from Glenn N. Boyd and Michael G. <br />619 West Mcfadden Avenue~ from Angelo and Rita Spampinato, 216 E. 17th Street; frmm <br />Richard H. Berg~ 2534 W. Westminster Avenue; and from Ezequiel and Rose Mary Rico, <br />202 North Grand Avenue. <br /> <br />On motion of CounciLman Hubbard, seconded by Gould and carried, the request of the <br /> <br />Department of Public Works was approved for payment of ~lO0.OO to W. E. Langston, <br /> <br />Alert Construction Company~ for the reconstruction and lowering of sewer manhole at <br /> <br />1137 South Sullivan Street (Variance No. <br />" the request of the Department of Public Works was granted, <br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Gould and carrie~ the plans and speci <br /> <br />fications were approved, and the Purchasing Agent authorized to advertise for bids <br /> <br />for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Susan Street, between Talbert and <br /> <br />Segerstr°m Avenues, Pro,eot S-27~ bids to be opened September 19, 1960. <br /> <br />On motion of Councilman Prubbard, seconded by Gould and carried, bond in the sum of <br /> <br />$10,000.00, filed by Emmet C. Rogers, for the improvements of 27 residential lots <br /> <br />fronting on both sides of Westwood Avenue, between 21st Street and Santa Clara <br /> <br />Avenue, in Tract No. 2977, was ordered released and improvements accepted as eom- <br /> <br />pleted. <br /> <br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, Seconded by Gould and carried, the Purchasing Agen <br /> <br />~as authorized to advertise for bids on Fire Hose, Specification No. 63t-~, in <br /> <br />quantities: (a) 3000 feet 2-1/2"; (b) 1,200 feet 1-1/2"~ bids to be opened October <br /> <br />1960. <br /> <br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Brewer and carried, the recommendation <br />of the Secretary, Charles W. Bowers Memorial Museum Board, was approved and authori <br /> <br /> <br />