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592 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 'A ' <br />PAGE 6 <br /> <br />environmental impacts. All public improvements shall be consistent with the General Plan that is in force <br />at the time the project is being undertaken. <br /> <br />I) LIGHT AND GLARE <br /> <br />Potential Significant Effect: <br /> <br />A number of the projects involve the retrofit or renovation of lighting in wdsting parks. Thls additional <br />lighting could adversely impact adjacent properties that may be sensitive to lighting. Finally, the <br />introduction of lighting into a park could ~ttend the facility operations which, in turn, could lead to other <br />light and giare impact~. The greatest potential for impact tnvolves the addition of field lighting in parks <br />Io~ated within existing residential neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Finding: Finding <br /> <br />Facts in Support of Finding: <br /> <br />The majority of the planned improvements will have little or no light or glare impact given the t~risting <br />ambient levels of light and glare, however light and glare impacts will be studied on a case-by-case basis. <br />The renovation of earring lighting addition of athletic fields that will require lighting or the physical <br />expansion of a park will require measures that will be effective in reducing or eliminating potential adverse <br />impacts. Lighting plans for n~w athletic field.~ and other outdoor facilities shall be prepared prior to plan <br />approvals. Night lighting shall be designed to avoid any light or glare impacts to passing motorists on <br />adjacent roadways. ~ onsite parking and security lighting shall employ fully shielded fixtures with high <br />presstwr sodium bulb& These meaontr~ will reduce potential impacts to insignificant I~vels. <br /> <br />J) POPULATION AND HOUSING <br /> <br />Potential Significant Effect: <br /> <br />The implementation o! the Community Facilities Impbovement Plan will not result In any direct increases <br />in the City's population. 'The projects envisioned under the Plan are specifically designed to meet both <br />current and projected demand on community facilities. The required provision o 'or <br />affordable hOUSing units could lead to a~m..~, effect <br />projects involves potential housing unit ddispl~c~t~rd.}Itp~p~gfl_~_nt will <br />following: enlarging ~a~ting parks, the develotm~enl~~ood t~l~ tl~ d~ent <br /> ! r, B <br />Finding: Finding 1 ~ ~ ~'~' . <br /> <br />The adoption and implementation of the P~d~ent may ~lt in additianat <br />displacement. The dele and ~aent of i displacement will need to be ~valuated in ~bsequent <br />envn'onmental review. Any dtsplacement ~il require th* l..~ati.Agency to pay the f~r marl~t value for real <br />property and assist in relocation. The Redevelopment/tg~ncy will not as, eminent domain to acquire <br />private property. Otrrent Federal and Statel laws provide a varle~ of mechanlsrns to protect persons <br />displaced by pro}ects ~ protect the C-~ty~s supply of Iow trod moderate income housing. Also, the Agency <br />shall continue to develop Iow and moderate income housing project* through the 20 pereent set-aside of <br />twr increment funds. Community Facilities Improvement Plan projects shall comply with all sections of <br />the Community Redevelopment Law which petlaln to the availability of Affordable Houxing Units. Th, <br />City will prepare un ~fforduble Housing Plan to ~mplemcnt these and other provisions required by law. <br />Th~ impacts on population and housing are &~'J~cted to be mitigated to l~veis of insignificance. <br /> <br /> <br />