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its effectiveness, etc. for the c~mmittee. <br /> <br />H~JSE D~0LITION The Manager reported that no bids <br /> could be obtained on two houses <br /> at 1029 and 1023 W. 6th, formerly <br /> declared surplus by Council and <br />requested permission to have them demolished. Demolition was <br />authorized on motion of Counc~lm~n ~rooks, seconded by Councilman Burk <br />and carried. <br /> <br />SALART INCREASES The Manager stated a report would <br /> be submitted to Council asking for <br /> action on September 20th for his <br /> Awnualwageand salary report <br />which would reccmnnend increases from 2.4~ to 7% imcreases, with an <br />average of about 4.9%. <br /> <br />ASS'T. CITY ATTNY. Coumc~lma~ Burk asked for progress <br /> report on hiring Assistant Attorney. <br /> Mr. Colwell reported top candidate <br /> is no longer available. Coumcilma~ <br />Burk asked that the Persomnel Director be at the next meeting to report <br />his activity on the matter, since a deadline of October 1st had been <br />established. <br /> <br />PEOPLE TO PEOPLE <br />CONFEHENCE <br /> <br />Council members. <br /> <br /> Coumcilman Herrin reported on his <br /> attendamce at Portlawd Town <br /> Affiliatic~ Comference amd stated <br />a writtem report would be sent <br />Coumcilmau Markel cc~pllmented Mr. Herrin on his <br /> <br />generosity for not acceptimg City funds but stated he hoped C~umcil <br />would not take it as criteria for future City trips. Mr. Herri~ <br />stated his reason for not accepting reimbursement for this trip was <br />that it was a People-To-People program designed to function at no <br />expense to taxpayer; that where the taxpayer will derive benefit <br />from future trips for other purposes he would be happy to accept <br />reimbursement for expenses. <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />At 5:45 p.m. ]4ayorMcMichael <br />declared the meeting recessed to <br />7:30 p.m. <br /> <br />The meeting was reconvened at 7:30 p.m. im the Council Chambers, with <br />the same five Councilmen present. Following the Pledge of Allegiance <br />to the Flag, the Imvocationwas delivered by the Reverend Robert <br />Fraley, St. Luke's Methodist Church. <br /> <br />HEARING - Hearing was opened o~ Amenclmemt <br />AA 556 - BBHOP Application 556 filed by Clyde <br /> M. Bishop proposing the amendment <br /> of Sectional District Map 32-~-9 <br />by prezoning from the Coumty A 1 to the City C 5 district property <br />at the mortheast cormer of Fairhaven and Glassell. pl~ing Co~nission <br />Resolution 5747 recommended approval of w~ib~t'~556 B, prezoming from <br />the County A i to the City R i and C 5 districts. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL - 34~ - September 7, 1965 <br /> <br /> <br />