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CITY MANAGER The City Namager reported that <br /> there are thirty taxation agencies <br /> in Santa Ann; that all the rates <br /> do not apply to the 0ity; amd he <br />mentiomed numerous districts, such as the Mosquito Abatement am& Samitation <br />Districts~ noting that he would be glad to fur~ish information on amy <br />district desired by Councilmen. <br /> <br />~JS SERVICE The City ~amager stated that <br /> there were indications that the <br /> Samta Ama Bas Cempamy might not <br /> be able to contimue its service <br />ia the near future, amd there is a stromg possibility that Samta <br />will he without such service, smd Co~cil will be faced with a decision <br />of whether or not to subsidize the service or operate a municipal <br />transportation facility. <br /> <br />PACIFIC & WA~NER The City Manager reported that <br /> signalization for the corner <br /> of Pacific amd Warner, requested by <br /> paremts last year ia amticipation <br />of the new Jefferson School, was not warranted, but that a crossing guard <br />would be on duty. <br /> <br />TRAY~.k~S The City Mamager explained the <br /> complications caused by <br /> comtractor' s failure to have <br /> new school ro~ms ready for <br />St. Barbara's Catholic School at McFaddem amd E~clid necessitating the <br />placement of trailers om the school groumds as temporary classrooms <br />for about six weeks. Simce the trailers are ia violation of the Mumicipal <br />Code, and since it would take about six weeks to bring action agaimst <br />the school, or to appear before the Plammimg Commission for a Comditio~al <br />Use Permit, the Manager suggested that the trailers be checked for safety <br />amd permitted to remain in use. The City Attormey stated that according <br />to the new tort liability act, failing to enforce does not place us <br />under liability. <br /> <br />BID AWARD - Om motion of Coumcilman Brooks, <br />FIRE ENG~ seconded by Coumcilma~ Markel <br /> and carried, Council extended <br /> bid opening date for Fire <br />Engine, Spec. 626-8 to Tuesday, September 28, 1965 at 10:00 a.m., as <br />rec~,ended by the City Ma~ger. <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />At ~:55 p.m. the ~ayor declared <br />a five mimute recess. The meetimg <br />reconvened at 5:05 p.m. with the <br />same members of Co~mcil present. <br /> <br />SCHOOL BO~ PATROL The ~anager discussed with <br /> Council the School Boy Patrol <br /> System, its excellent record <br /> across the nation and in Santa <br />~ua, hut the inability to extend the program because of school official's <br />opposition. ~ayor NcMichael appointed Councilmen Burk, Herri~, amd <br />Brooks as a committee to investigate and report back to Council at the <br />earliest couvenient date. The Manager recommended the committee study <br />and develop methods of approach to the School Boards of Elementary School <br />Distrid~ in the City to encourage extension of the School Boy Patrol <br />System, amd offered to prepare a report on the history of the patrol, <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL - B~ - September 7, 1965 <br /> <br /> <br />