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<br />According to the City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR and <br />the Orange County Airport Land Use Commission Airport Environs <br />Land Use Plan, the project site is not located within Aircraft <br />Accident Potential Zone, Clear Zone or FAA Notification Area. <br /> <br />VII. HYDROLOGY/WATER QUALITY <br /> <br />(A) Less Than Significant Impact <br /> <br />Implementation of the proposed project would not involve routine <br />waste discharges that would be in conflict with water quality <br />standards established by the State Regional Water Quality <br />Control Board. During construction operations surface water <br />runoff generated from' the project site could potentially be <br />degraded. However, Best Management Practices would be employed <br />during construction operations to reduce potential water quality <br />impacts to a level considered less than significant. <br /> <br />(B) No Impact <br /> <br />The City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR identifies that <br />groundwater level in the vicinity of the project site is <br />approximately 0 to 10 feet below sea level. Construction <br />operations associated with the proposed project would not <br />involve dewatering operations. Additionally, implementation of <br />the proposed project would not result in impacts to underground <br />water recharge areas, in that the project site is not a <br />groundwater recharge area. <br /> <br />(C.D) No Impact <br /> <br />Implementation of the proposed project would not increase the <br />amount of impervious surfaces on the project site. As a result <br />the rate of surface water runoff generated from the project site <br />would not increase. The proposed project would not result in <br />changes to existing drainage patterns or require the <br />construction of additional drainage facilities. No adverse <br />impacts in regards to drainage would be associated with <br />implementation of the proposed project. <br /> <br />(E.F.G) No Impact <br /> <br />According Flood Rate Insurance Map 0602320029F the project site <br />is located within Zone x, and not subject to 100-year flood <br />risks, Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would <br />not result in any significant flood hazards. <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />31A:~6 <br />