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PUBLIC HEARING~- 1976-77 BUDGET <br />ORD. NS-1308 ~ 1309; RES. 76-75 <br />FIRST RE.ADING,' ADOPTED <br /> <br />proposed Budge':. City Manager Bruce <br /> <br />copies of the . <br />ary Budget are <br />discussed in n <br />of approximate <br />over $52 milli~ <br />$8.S million o: <br />the Council ha <br />$1.61 to $1.S9 <br />assessed valua' <br />employees; and <br />~unds for Sant; <br />public hearing <br /> <br />The Clerk of tl <br />communications <br /> <br />Those persons <br /> <br />Richard Pa <br />Pat Youngel <br />Michael Mcl <br /> <br />Mr. Poi{risky , <br />the thoroughne~ <br />recommended th~ <br />the final bala~ <br />opposition to <br />that into cons <br />stated that he <br />Delhi organiza' <br />2~ tax decreas, <br />Casa Delhi gro~ <br /> <br />There were no <br />hearing. <br /> <br />Councilmen Eva <br />to the utility <br />as a result ea~ <br />the proposed B~ <br /> <br />On the motion <br />Yamamoto, the <br />was adopted (4 <br />dissenting. <br /> <br />The following <br />motion of Court <br />and carried (4 <br />dissenting: <br /> <br />ORDINANCE <br />OF SANTA A <br />OFFICES, A <br />FOR THE FI <br /> <br />On the motion. <br />Bricken and ca: <br />the following <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />COUNCIL OF <br />AMOUNT OF] <br />FISCAL YEAi <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL M <br /> <br /> Mayor Garthe announced <br /> that this was the time <br /> and place for the public <br /> hearing of the 1976-77 <br />Spragg announced that <br />iummary of Council Changes to 1976-77 Prelim{n- <br />available for review; that the changes were <br />.ne public budget study sessions; that changes <br />.y $1.9 million were made to the Budget of <br />~n; that this year[s budget is up approximately <br /> an 18% increase over last year's budget; that <br /> recommended a 2~ property tax decrease from <br /> to help the taxpayer offset the increase in <br /> :ion; that there is a net increase of 13 <br /> that when the $1 million in Revenue Sharing <br /> Ana have been received, there-will be separate <br /> on the budgeting. <br /> <br />e Council reported that there were no written <br /> <br />:ommenting on the proposed Budget were: <br /> <br />.it{sky, 1004 West 21st Street <br /> 4030 Orange Place, Hemet <br />~ulty, 1856 North Spurgeon <br /> <br />:omplimented the Council and the City Manager on <br />;s and openness of the budget study sessions, and <br />Lt the Council adopt the preliminary Budget with <br />tcing amendments. Mr. Younger expressed his <br />ligh taxes in general, and asked Council to take <br />.deration when adopting the Budget. Mr. McNulty <br />had been very impressed by the work of the Casa <br />;ion, and suggested to Council that instead of a <br />~ a portion of the money be retained to give the <br />lp some financial assistance. <br /> <br />~urther speakers and Mayor Garthe closed the public <br /> <br />~s, Brandt and Ortiz each expressed his opposition <br />users tax as a source of revenue for the City, and <br />:h will cast a negative vote to the adoption of <br />~dget. <br /> <br />~f Councilman Bricken, seconded by Councilman <br />~reliminary Budget, with approved amendments, <br />:5), with Councilmen Brandt, Evans and Ortiz <br /> <br />)rdinance was placed on firs{ reading on the <br />:ilman Bricken, seconded by Councilman Yamamoto, <br />:3), with Councilmen Evans, Brandt and Ortiz <br /> <br />qO. NS=1308 = AN ORDINANCE OF TILE CITY <br />qA APPROPRIATING MONEYS TO THE SEVERAL <br />]ENCIES AND DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY <br />~CAL YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1, 1976. <br /> <br />)f~Coun~ilman Ward, seconded by Councilman <br />:ried (6:1), with Councilman Ortiz dissenting, <br />esolution was adopted: <br /> <br />NO. 76-75 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA FIXING THE <br />·VBNUE FROM PROPERTY TAXES FOR <br /> 1976-77 NEEDED FOR GENERAL MUNICIPAL <br /> <br />NUTBS 275 JULY 19, 1976 <br /> <br /> <br />