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PUBLIC HEARING <br />AMENDMENT APP. <br />APPROVED; FIRS <br /> <br />Environmental <br />to rezone prop <br />generally loca <br />Bristol and Sh <br /> <br />Charles Zimmer: <br />acres, 388 fee <br />tional subdivi <br />the surroundin <br />Bristol Street <br />proceeding wit <br /> <br /> - EIR & - Mayor Garthe announced <br /> 741 - ORD. NS-1312 that this was the time <br /> READING and place for the <br /> public hearing of <br />Impact Report and Amendment Application No. 741 <br />~rty from the C2 District to the R2-PRD District; <br />zed on the north side of Central Avenue between <br />~lton Streets. <br /> <br />ban, Planning Director, stated that this 4.4 <br />: wide parcel does not lend itself to a conven- <br />zion; that it is the only undeveloped land in <br />~ area; except for the southwest corner of <br /> and Central Avenue; that negotiations are <br /> the developer for 16 four-Flex units arranged <br /> <br />within and around a circuitous street pattern; that there <br />will be 50% open space in this condominium-type development; <br />that the proposed zoning, although not conforming to the <br />General Plan, will not have a significant negative effect <br />on the City's General Plan; and that the Planning Commission <br />held a public hearing on the subject application, and <br />unanimously recommended approval of the application in <br />accordance with Exhibit A.A. 741-A. <br /> <br />The Clerk of t <br />communications <br /> <br />Marvin Gebler, <br />that the prope <br />and that.the p <br /> <br />Speakers oppos <br /> <br />Don Rose, <br />Dan Keyser <br />Helen Rose <br /> <br />The opponents <br />school, increa <br />lack of backya <br /> <br />There were no <br />hearing. <br /> <br />The Planning D <br />Residential De <br />maintenance; t <br />the s~ecific p <br />questions will <br />a recommendati <br /> <br />On the motion <br />and carried (S <br />ing, the Draft <br />materials pert <br />adopted as the <br />certified as c <br />rules and regu <br /> <br />Councilman Bri <br />because he bel <br />dwellings. Co <br />that he does n <br /> <br />Council reported that there were no written <br /> <br />3501 Harbor, developer of the project, stated <br />~ty does not lend itself to R 1 development, <br />~oposal is the best compromise solution. <br /> <br />~d to the proposed rezoning were:~ <br /> <br />2406 South Shelton <br /> 2426 South Shelton <br /> 2406 South Shelton <br /> <br />rere concerned about overcrowding the elementary <br />zed street parking, absentee landlords and <br />vd privacy. <br /> <br />further speakers; Mayor Garthe closed the public <br /> <br />[rector stated that this will be a Planned <br />;elopment concept; that there will be perpetual <br />hat the Planning Commission will be reviewing <br />an and that the privacy, parking and school <br />also be reviewed by the Commission prior to <br />)n for approval and presentation to the Council. <br /> <br />)f Councilman Ward, seconded by Councilman Brandt, <br />:2), with Councilmen Evans and Bricken dissent- <br />Environmental Impact Report, all written <br />lining thereto, and all verbal comments, were <br />Final Environmental Impact Report, and were <br />)mpleted in compliance with CEQA and the City's <br />[ations following Council review. <br /> <br />zken stated that he cast a dissenting vote <br />ieves that the public prefers single family <br />~ncilman Evans stated that his concern was <br />~t know what is going to go in there, and <br /> <br />that he is voting against the unknown. <br /> <br />On the motion bf Councilman Brandt, seconded by Councilman <br />Ortiz and carried (5:2), with Councilmen Evans and Bricken <br />dissenting, Oriinance NS-1312 as follows was placed on <br />first reading: <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 279 JULY 19, 1976 <br /> <br /> <br />