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APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENT #299 Council approved Appro- <br />CETA TITLE VI PROJECT priation Adjustment #299, <br />APPROVED establishing accounts for <br /> anticipated revenues and <br />expenditures accounts for CETA Title VI Projects for $168,880, <br />needed to establish the program in this fiscal year (1976-77), <br />on the unanimously carried 5:0 motion of Councilman Ward, <br />seconded by Councilman Garthe. CA 65.3 <br /> <br />APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENT #300 Council approved Appro- <br />PROJECT ?111 BID CALL priation Adjustment #300, <br />APPROVED; AUTHORIZED transferring $15,000 from <br /> Fire Supression (11-322-111) <br />to Fire Capital Outlay (S1-329-621) to fund Project ?111, and <br />approved the plans and specifications and authorized advertise- <br />ment for bids for Project 7111, to replace Apparatus Room Doors <br />at Fire Station No. S, on the unanimously carried 5:0 motion of <br />Councilman Ward, seconded by Councilman Bricken. CA 65.3 <br /> CA 89 <br /> <br />ORAL COMMUNICATION Billy C. Hall, Executive <br />COMMENDATIONS FOR POLICE & Director for the City <br />FIRE DEPARTMENTS Center Association, read <br /> two letters from an <br />Association member, Wheeler Sewing Machine Company, commending <br />the Santa Ana Police and Fire Departments in the performance <br />of their duties on March 24 and April 6, 1977 (Wheeler Co. <br />break-ins) and April 17 (fire at 318 Fourth Street, next door <br />to Wheeler Co.), respectively. Mr. Hall commented that there <br />have been many occasions when the City's Police and Fire Depart- <br />ments' professional capabilities have been complimented by <br />members of the Association. CA 47 <br /> CA 64 <br /> <br />ORAL COMMUNICATION Council referred an <br />ZONING VIOLATION oral report of retail <br />REPORTED AT 1342 E. EDINGER activity in the indus- <br />REFERRED TO PLANNING DIRECTOR trial zone at 1342 E. <br /> Edinger to the Planning <br />Director for appropriate action, by unanimous informal agree- <br />ment. <br /> <br />Prior to the referral Mr. J. Ogden Markel, 1814 S. Parton, stated <br />that from all indications a company identified as "Southwest <br />Bedrooms", engaged in bedding sales was planning to open for <br />retail sales business at 1342 E. Edinger; and that it was not <br />in the best interests of the preservation of the integrity of <br />the City's industrial zoning of that address. CA 10.2 <br /> <br />RECESS At 4:40 P.M. Council <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION recessed for an Executive <br /> Session for discussion <br /> of potential and pending <br />litigation. The meeting was reconvened at 5:15 P.M., and <br />immediately recessed for dinner. At 7:30 P.M. the Council <br />meeting was reconvened with the same members present. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 214 JUNE 20, 1977 <br /> <br /> <br />