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INVOCATION After the Pledge of <br />PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Allegiance to the Flag, <br /> the Invocation was <br /> given by The Reverend <br />Charles W. Closson, Spurgeon United Methodist Church. CA 80.17 <br /> <br />HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE MONTH Mayor Evans presented <br />PROCLAMATION PRESENTED a Proclamation designating <br /> the month of July as <br /> "High Blood Pressure <br />Month" in Santa Ana, to Marie Mosley, President of the Orange <br />County Professional Association of Black Women. CA 46 <br /> <br />INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Evans announced <br />PROPOSED BUDGET 1977-78 that this was the time <br />TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT 1ST & JACKSON and place for the second <br />FUNDING APPROVED informal public hearing <br /> of the 1977-78 proposed <br />City Budget and requested a summary report from Staff. <br /> <br />City Manager Bruce Spragg stated that this was the second informal <br />public hearing preceding formal public hearing and proposed adop- <br />tion of the Budget, scheduled for Tuesday, June 28, at $:00 P.M., <br />and advised that budget summary copies were available in the <br />lobby for public information. He recommended that Council <br />approve a neighborhood request for installation of a traffic <br />signal at First and Jackson Streets because it meets the warrants <br />and can be installed for approximately $25,000 because equipment <br />will be available from other similar proposed signalization <br />installation. He suggested that it be funded from the Council <br />Contingency account for 1977-78. <br /> <br />Responding to the Mayor's invitation to comment regarding the <br />First and Jackson signalization, Mrs. Ruby Epps, 626 North <br />Jackson, representing Santa Nita Neighbors, requested installa- <br />tion prior to September 1, so that children returning to school <br />might cross the intersection safely. <br /> <br />There were no other speakers who <br />tion for comments, either pro or <br />hearing. <br /> <br />responded to the Mayor's invita- <br />con, and he closed the public <br /> <br />Staff was instructed to include the funding in the Budget for the <br />installation of a traffic signal at First and Jackson Streets, <br />and to provide for its construction at the earliest possible time, <br />on the unanimously approved motion 5:0 of Councilman Brandt, <br />seconded by Councilman Ward. CA 65B <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING The City Attorney was <br />VANDALISM OF UNOCCUPIED HOUSES authorized to seek an <br />S. HESPERIAN - ATTORNEY AUTHORIZED injunction to compel <br /> the abatement of a <br />public nuisance if repairs to the houses at 723, 818 and 902 <br />South Hesperian are not commenced by Friday, June 24, 1977, <br />on the unanimously 5:0 carried motion of Councilman Garthe, <br />seconded by Councilman Brandt. <br /> <br />During the informal public hearing held at the request of Margaret <br />Sandoval of the Southwest Housing Committee, Ronald Wolford, <br />Assistant City Manager, stated that the City Staff had been aware <br />of the continuous vandalism of unoccupied houses on South Hes- <br />perian; that steps had been taken to abate the nuisance; that <br />Staff members, Jay Sheldon of the Building Department and Lenny <br />Wiggs of Community Relations had met with residents in the neigh- <br />borhood to discuss solutions. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />215 JUNE 20, 1977 <br /> <br /> <br />