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PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL NO. 444 The Mayor announced that this <br /> VA 80-75 - 3610 W. SEVENTEENTH ST. was the time and place for the <br /> CA INSTRUCTED public hearing of Appeal Appli- <br /> cation No. 444, filed by Bowers <br />Tractor, Inc., appealing the Planning Commission's denial of Variance <br />Application No. 80-75 to allow storage of heavy equipment and employees' <br />parking in a vacated railroad right-of-way at 3610 W. 17th Street in the <br />R1, R2 and N1 Districts. <br /> <br />Planning Associate Robert Balen presented the staff report and recommenda- <br />tions. <br /> <br />The Clerk of the Council reported there were no written communications. <br /> <br />Ray A. Bicknell, Representative from Bowers Tractor, Inc., spoke in favor <br />of the appeal. <br /> <br />Robert B. Ross, 3505 W. Boyer, spoke against the appeal. <br /> <br />There were no other speakers on the matter. The Mayor closed the public <br />hearing. <br /> <br />Following discussion, MOTION was made by Griset, seconded by McGuigan, <br />to approve and file the Negative Declaration and instruct the City <br />Attorney to prepare a resolution denying Appeal No. 444, denying VA 80-75, <br />and affirming the decision of the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />Motion passed on the following vote: <br /> <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br /> <br />Acosta, Bricken, Griset, Luxembourger, McGuigan <br />Markel, Serrato <br />None <br /> <br />CA 13.3 <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL NO. 453 The Mayor announced that this <br />VA 81-20 - 913 E. SIXTH ST. was the time and place for the <br />CA INSTRUCTED public hearing of Appeal Appli- <br /> cation No. 453, filed by Ameri- <br />can Concrete Cutting, Inc., appealing the Planning Commission's condition- <br />al approval of Variance Application No. 81-20 to allow storage of vans <br />and equipment, with the requirement of a 6-foot high, 6-inch wide solid <br />masonry wall, at 913 E. Sixth Street in the R3H District. <br /> <br />The Clerk of the Council reported a written communication from Duffy & <br />Okazaki, Attorney for American Concrete Cutting, Inc., requesting that <br />Section 7B(1)b of the staff's conditions also be included in the appeal. <br /> <br />Planning Associate Balen presented the staff report and recommendations. <br /> <br />James Okazaki, Attorney for American Concrete Cutting, Inc., spoke in <br />favor of the appeal. <br /> <br />There were no other speakers on the matter. The Mayor closed the public <br />hearing. <br /> <br />Following discussion, MOTION made by Griset to approve and file the Nega- <br />tive Declaration and instruct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution <br />denying Appeal No. 453, approving the conditional approval of VA 81-20, <br />and affirming the decision of the Planning Commission died for lack of <br />a second. <br /> <br />MOTION was made by Acosta, seconded by Markel, to approve and file the <br />Negative Declaration and instruct the City Attorney to prepare a resolu- <br />tion granting Appeal No. 453, approving VA 81-20, and overruling the <br />decision of the Planning Commission, eliminating annual review require- <br />ments, retaining the block wall condition, and substituting a bond in <br />lieu of off-site improvements, with said improvements to be required when <br />contigious parcel is developed. <br /> <br />Motion FAILED on the following vote: <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 313 OCTOBER 5, 1981 <br /> <br /> <br />