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City of Santa Ana Exhibit C -4 Acceptance Test Plan <br />♦ Re- Tested By <br />♦ Results <br />1.6 Testing Roles & Responsibilities <br />The Customer and Motorola roles and responsibilities for testing are detailed within <br />the Statement of Work (SOW) for each module. The information below defines <br />additional roles and responsibilities of all participants during acceptance testing. <br />1.6.1 Motorola <br />Motorola Project Manager: <br />❖ Represent Motorola in all Acceptance phase activities <br />❖ Review testing activities and scripts with the Customer <br />Establish and Manage the acceptance test schedule <br />❖ Coordinate acceptance test resources and activities <br />❖ Manage tracking tools for acceptance test activities <br />❖ Ensure that problems identified by the Customer are appropriately addressed <br />❖ Manage the overall change control for Motorola based on results of the acceptance <br />test activities <br />Prepare status reports and acceptance test summary information <br />❖ Formal certification for the Customer on acceptance phase activities <br />1.6.2 Customer Staff <br />Customer Project Manager: <br />❖ Review testing activities and scripts with Motorola <br />❖ Coordinate acceptance test phase activities with Customer staff <br />❖ Manage Communications with Motorola <br />❖ Support data conversion activities, where applicable, and ensure that converted <br />data is available for testing, as appropriate <br />❖ Coordinate installation of "fixes" and retesting of defects <br />Exhibit C -4, Acceptance Test Plan Page C4 - 7 05/2/05 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information <br />and may not be shared with any person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana <br />without the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its designees. <br />