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City of Santa Ana Exhibit C -3 Statement of Work <br />1.19.6 AVL Server Administrator and AVL Playback Training <br />Motorola will conduct training for Customer personnel, including the AVL System <br />Administrator, so Customer personnel acquire the knowledge necessary to configure, <br />maintain and monitor the AVL Server application. AVL system architecture, <br />configuration, trouble- shooting, and AVL functions of ATM are discussed during the <br />training. <br /> Motorola Responsibilities <br />a. Provide AVL training in accordance with the Training Plan. <br />b. Deliver AVL Server User Documentation. <br />c. Install AVL Playback on one (1) workstation for use during AVL Server <br />Administrator Training. <br />d. Provide phone support for participants of the class after training has been <br />completed. <br /> Customer Responsibilities <br />a. Provide a training environment in accordance with the Training Plan. <br />b. Attend the AVL Server Administrator Training. <br />c. Perform subsequent AVL Server configuration. <br />d. Install AVL Playback software on additional workstations. <br /> Completion Criteria <br />This task is considered complete after Motorola has conducted the described training, <br />1.19.7 ATM Mobile Train the Trainer Class <br />Motorola will conduct training for Customer personnel, including the ATM Mobile <br />System Administrator, so Customer personnel acquire the knowledge necessary to <br />operate the ATM Mobile. AVL Server configuration, ATM Mobile configuration, <br />trouble- shooting and ATM Mobile commands and functions are discussed during the <br />training. <br />Exhibit C -3, Statement of Work Page C3 - 35 05/2105 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and may not be shared with any <br />person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana without the express written consent of Motorola. Inc., or its <br />designees. <br />