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<br />prevalence of lead-based paint hazards varied by geographic region, the age of the <br />housing unit, and household income, for example: <br />· 15% of western United States housing units contained lead-based paint hazards. <br />· 68% of housing units built prior to 1940 had lead-paint hazards - conversely only <br />3% of units built between 1978 and 1998 reported lead-based paint hazards. <br />· 25% of all units housing households with children age zero to five were reported <br />to contain a lead-based paint hazard. <br />· 35% of housing units occupied by low-income households had lead paint <br />hazards - only 19% of middle- and upper-income household occupied housing <br />units had such hazards. <br /> <br />Based on these national trends, it is estimated that 11,251 Santa Ana housing units <br />have some level of lead-based paint hazard - including 3,155 housing unit <br />constructed prior to 1940. Approximately 4,380 Santa Ana households with children <br />age zero to 5, and 9,400 Low-Income families live in units with lead-paint hazards, <br />The County of Orange Health Care Agency collects statistics regarding the number <br />of children age 16 and younger, with a blood lead level greater than or equal to 10 <br />mcg/dL, i.e., the CDC "level of concern." Reports of elevated blood lead levels are <br />obtained from the State, local laboratories and health care providers; however, the <br />County stipulates that this is not an all-inclusive list. County data also does not <br />identify the source of the lead poisoning - in addition to lead-based paint other <br />sources of lead contamination may include clay pottery and candy. <br /> <br />The County of Orange Health Care Agency provided the following information <br />regarding children with elevated blood lead levels living in Santa Ana: <br /> <br />SANTA ANA CHILDREN WITH BLOOD LEAD LEVEL OF CONCERN <br /> <br /> <br />1999 93 <br /> <br />2000 129 <br />2001 100 <br />2002 147 <br />2003 81 <br /> <br />2004 (as of 10/18/04) 47 <br />Source: Orange County Health Care Agency October 29, 2004 <br /> <br />In an effort to address the problems caused by lead exposure, the City of Santa Ana <br />has implemented a lead paint hazard identification and notification process as part <br />of its housing rehabilitation programs. This process has been designed to comply <br />with HUD's lead based paint hazard regulations (Title X), which became effective in <br />September 2000, and was implemented by Santa Ana in January 2002. <br /> <br />During the report period, Santa Ana staff continued to work in partnership with the <br />County of Orange and other Orange County cities to share information and <br />resources to facilitate compliance with new lead paint hazard regulations. The City <br /> <br />21 <br /> <br />9/7/05 <br /> <br />190-25 <br />