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Mayor Young expressed the Council's willingness to work with the neighborhood in <br />mitigating commuter traffic through the neighborhood and urged the Association to build <br />consensus concerning the proposed implementation plan. <br />Councilmember Acosta indicated he would be meeting the following Tuesday with another <br />group of neighbors regarding traffic in the Northwest Santa Ana Neighborhood and <br />encouraged interested individuals to attend. <br />Alfredo Amezcua, 106 W. Fourth Street, requested the Council consider the issuance of a <br />special permit to hold a Christmas Bazaar under Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 41-195.5 <br />regarding Temporary Outdoor Activities. <br />JoAnn Hernandez, 7852 Second Street, #4, Stanton, Department of Social Services Staff <br />worker, cited an increase in the welfare rolls due to the closure of the swap meet at Rancho <br />Santiago College. <br />Alex Vega, 1807 W. Fifth Street, and Andres Balderas, 9330 Larkspur Drive, Westminster, <br />also expressed concerns regarding the closure of the Rancho Santiago swap meet. <br />David Barford, Vice President and General Manager of Comcast Cablevision, explained the <br />firm was considering scrambling its basic service to reduce cable service theft, improve <br />signal quality and aeronautic safety, and permit new packaging of programs. Mr. Barford <br />responded to questions on the proposed changes from Councilmembers. <br />Councilmember Richardson requested Barford provide the Council with information <br />regarding interference with aircraft signals caused by unscrambled cable signals. <br />James McGuigan, 5642 Keelson, cited several concerns regarding Comcast Cablevision <br />broadcasts and expressed the opinion that Comcast's signal scrambling proposal would lead <br />to price increases in cable service. He also stated that Comcast does not have an exclusive <br />cable franchise and suggested that other cable service providers be invited to compete in <br />Santa Ana. <br />In response to Councilmember Norton, the City Attorney indicated that for the most part the <br />City was preempted by the Cable Act with regard to legislating and controlling cable <br />broadcasting. <br />_ Mayor Young requested Barford review the error level with respect to City programming and <br />thanked Mr. Barford for being present to hear directly the Council's opinions concerning <br />cable service. <br />In response to Florence Leach, 2025 W. Tenth Street, the City Manager indicated that the <br />loan the City was requesting for widening Bristol Street was a direct loan from the federal <br />government, not one the City would apply for through a financial institution. He also <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 329 NOVEMBER 4, 1991 <br />