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<br />achievement and attend the graduatIOn ceremony upon their youth's completIon of the <br />program Parents are also encouraged te, attend special activities and workshops such as <br />alcohol, tobacco or drug prevention strategies for youth <br /> <br />Placement in Jobs or Continuing Edueation: The program's approach is built around <br />four goals 1) preparation for and success in employment or internships, 2) improving <br />higher educational achievement, 3) support for youth through one-to-one mentoring, and 4) <br />servIces to develop the potential of youth as citizens and leaders Project RYTMO staff <br />consists of industry professionals who have direct connections to potential employment <br /> <br />Project RYTMO staff will also link with the Santa Ana W/O/R/K Center's resources to <br />assist in placement In addition, the Employment Development Department will be used to <br />guide particIpants from training to employment. Youth that would like to explore <br />postsecondary or continuing education will be linked to an appropriate source, such as the <br />community college system Project RYTMO staff will also assist any willing participant <br />with completing any financial aide paperwork. <br /> <br />Follow Up: After exit, follow-up services are proVIded to ensure the participant's further <br />progress toward long-term employment and self-sufficiency. Case Managers will conduct <br />follow-up at 30 and 60 days after exit, and then all relevant quarters thereafter. Participants <br />in the follow-up phase of the program may receive Leadership Development, Adult <br />Mentoring, work related Peer Support Groups, Financial Planning, Supportive Services <br />(clothes, food coupons, bus passes, etc.), Job Search Activities (follow-up participants are <br />encouraged to come in and speak with a case manager for placement), Resume/Interview <br />support and advice Furthermore, it is strongly recommended that follow-up participants <br />attend our Workshops At a Workshop, a participant may listen to a motivational speaker, <br />learn how to develop workplace social skills, or receive labor market information. Project <br />RYTMO staff may even have contact with a participant's employer to resolve work related <br />disputes. Lastly, a participant may also receive services in securing a better job and/or <br />guidance in addItional education. <br /> <br />Facilities <br />State location where program services will be delivered. <br />Services will be delivered at Love & Laughter Recording Studios. 1007 E North St. <br />Anaheim CA <br /> <br />How will participant access site if not within City of Santa Ana boundaries? <br />1f students are unable to find individual transportation to the recording studio facility in <br />Anaheim, they may request bus passes as an alternate means of access to the site. <br />In addition, some partnerships with organizations such as the Orange County Conservation <br />Corps have provided limited transportation access via their Van Pools. The OCCC is <br />located less than 2 miles from our Anaheim facility. <br /> <br />'" <br />