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ENVIRONMENTAL AND TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY <br /> COMMITTEE BYLAWS <br /> <br />ARTICLE I - PURPOSE <br /> <br />The Environmemal and Tnmsportation Advisory Committee, hereinafter referred to as the <br />Conunitte~, was established by the CRy Council, in its Resolution No. 91-112 to a~t in an <br />advisory c~paaity with respect to tramportation pl~na, policic$ mad programs; and gawironmc~al <br />matt~a~$ ~ch as ~olkl waste, water rezourees, and ueoan forest issues~ <br /> <br />ARTICLE H - POWERS AND DUTIES <br /> <br />Committee sludl have the power and be required to: <br /> <br />Consider environmentaI ~d ~portafion matters that may be referred to it by the City <br />Count/l, the City IVhm~er, thz Executive Director of the Public Works Agency, or by <br />Committee members, $~d render ~uch eounzd and advice ia relb~d ~o; <br /> <br />2. Review and develop systems, ~cilities, plans, policies, priorities and programs relined to <br /> trs~sport~ion, sol~d w~ste md other enviromnental issue~; ami <br /> <br />Reee/ve input from alt/mm, businesspeople, and other groups and interests with the City; <br />and prepare, with the assistance of city ~ reeommendatiim$ to the City Coundi for review <br />~ approval. <br /> <br />ARTICLE HI - OFFICERS <br /> <br />1. The officers shall be a Chair and a Vice-Chair, elecaed by the members ~t the January <br /> meeting ofth~ Committee, <br /> <br />2. A Secretary and Legal Counsel shall be appoimed from <br /> <br />Nominations sl~ be made in pe~on by members of the Committee. <br /> <br />4. Oiti~:e~s slud] serve a term of one year from the Jar~ary meeting at which they are elec~d or <br /> tmfil their successors are duly elected. <br /> <br />The Chair shall preside at all meetings oftl~ Committee, author~ e~ls for any ~m/al <br />meetings, appoint all SUbcommittees, and e~ute all documents authorized by the <br /> <br />Ex~t ! <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2003-084 <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br /> <br />