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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />substantially different from existing uses. Trips calculated for existing land use and <br />zoning designations on site are 1,165 daily trips. The proposed project would result <br />in 1,277 daily trips; this represents an increase of 112 daily trips over existing traffic <br />estimates. SCAQMD estimates a total of 52,539,300 average daily trips as part of <br />the models used in the AQMP (SCAQMD 2003). An increase of 112 daily trips that <br />would occur as a result of the proposed project and a similar land use as the existing <br />motel would not result in a substantial increase in pollutants calculated as part of the <br />SCAQMD air quality models (SCAQMD 1993). As such, proposed project-related <br />emissions are accounted for in the AQMP, which is crafted to bring the Basin into <br />attainment for all criteria pollutants. Potential impacts would be less than significant, <br />and no mitigation measures are necessary. <br />B. Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. The proposed <br />project would result in less than significant impact to air quality standards related to <br />dust after implementation of Mitigation Measure AQ-1. As discussed above, the <br />project site is located within the Basin. State and federal air quality standards are <br />often exceeded in many parts of the Basin. SCAQMD Rule 403 (SCAQMD 2005) <br />governs emissions related to fugitive dust release. The proposed project would <br />contribute to regional air pollutant emissions during construction and project <br />occupancy. However, emissions from the small amount of construction equipment <br />and demolition required on site would not exceed SCAQMD thresholds. Also, the <br />small increase in average daily trips and vehicular miles traveled would not exceed <br />SCAQMD thresholds. Although emissions are not anticipated to exceed existing air <br />quality standards, Mitigation Measure AQ-1 will ensure that no violations of SCAQMD <br />Rule 403 occur. Potential impacts would be less than significant with the <br />implementation of Mitigation Measure AQ-1. <br />AQ-1 All construction and operations will comply with SCAQMD rules and <br />regulations. All applicable control measures listed in SCAQMD Rule 403 will <br />be used to minimize impacts to air quality. These include but are not limited <br />to the following measures: <br />06-1 stabilize wind erodible surfaces to reduce dust, <br />06-2 stabilize surface soil where support equipment and vehicles will <br />operate, <br />06-3 stabilize loose soil and demolition debris, <br />06-4 comply with AQMD Rule 1403, <br />07-1 stabilize disturbed soil throughout the construction site, and <br />07-2 stabilize disturbed soil between structures. <br />C. Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed project is accounted for in the AQMP; <br />therefore, the proposed project would result in a less than significant impact to <br />cumulatively considerable net increases of criteria pollutants in anon-attainment <br />area. The SCAQMD's approach for assessing cumulative impacts is based on the <br />AQMP forecasts of attainment of ambient air quality standards in accordance with <br />the requirements of the federal and state Clean Air Acts. As discussed above in <br />response to Section III.A, project emissions are accounted for in the AQMP, which is <br />intended to bring the Basin into attainment for all criteria pollutants. In addition, the <br />mass regional emissions for the proposed project are anticipated to be less than the <br />applicable SCAQMD daily significance thresholds, which are designed to assist the <br />California Palms May 2007 <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-17 <br />75 D-74 J85 0296.07 <br />