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<br />5105 <br /> <br />N. Confidentiaity. Without prejLdce to a1y other provisions of this Agreelll81t, <br />SUBREO PI ENT S1a I, where ~ i c3J1e, mci ntci n the oonfidentia nctlJ"e of i nformaion provida:t <br />to it conosning paiidpa1tsin lIXXX'da1cewith the rEqlirsner ltsof fa:Jera end stctelaN. HoweYEI", <br />SUBRECI PI ENT shal Slbmit to CITY a1d or HUO or its reprcm Itctives, al rs::ords reqLJeSta:J, <br />induding adt, exaninctioos, moritoring a1d verificciioos cI r~ Slbmittaj '" <br />SUBRECIPI ENT, costsil1QJTaj crd servicssrenderaj herE!l.llder. <br /> <br />O. IrdeDEndent Contra::tor. SUBRECIAENT sgrees thci the perforrTlCl'lce of <br />obi igaions herE!l.Ilder is rendered in its ~ty as a1 i ndependent oontrcdor crd thct it is in no waf <br />a1~ofClTY. <br /> <br />P. Violaioo of Tams end Conditioos. SUBREClAENT vees thct if <br />SUBREClPlENT violaes a1Y of the terms end conditions of this AgreelllEri or a1y prior <br />Agreelll81t whereby CDBG flllds were ra::eivaj by SUBREO A ENT, or if SUBRECI PI ENT <br />reports ina:a.raay, or if 01"1 aJdit there is a cisallCMIa1ce of catcin experlditlres, SUBREO PI ENT <br />agrees to ret'Tledy the a:ts or an ssioos caJsi ng the disall CMla1Ce end repay CI TV a I anounts spent <br />in violctiCJl therEOf. If SUBREaPlENT engaged in fraJdua'lt cdivity to abtcin S1dIor justify <br />expenditure of the COBG fllldsgrCl1ted herE!l.llder, SUBREO PI ENT shall be rEqUred to reimburse <br />the CI TY of a I SJd1 funds thct were obtci ra:Vsp81t LI1der fraJCUa'lt d rC1lrTlSta1cm <br /> <br />a. Eal.icmer1t. SUBREClPlENT sgrees to mcintan a rEmrd for a:.r::h itEm of non- <br />expsUi)le persona propa1y ~rEd LI1der the terms of tlis Agrealle'lt. sad rEmrd shall be <br />ma:te alalctlle to CITY upa1 r8:JLlE!St. The term "~e per9.ll1ci property" shal indude <br />leEIB:1 a1d plI'd1aB:l8:luipment. <br /> <br />R. A-ohibited Use. SUBRECIAENT hereby CBtifies cn:J vees thct it will not use <br />funds provide1 ttrough thisAgreelllElnt to paJ for entertai nment, meals or gifts. <br /> <br />S Lobbvi'll. SUBREOAENT CBtifies thct it will comply with fa:Jera IaN (31 <br />U.SC. 1352) crd regulaioos fOllld ct 24 CFR Pat fIl, whid"l provide thct no ~opricta:J flllds <br />may beexpa1ded by theraipient of afa:teral OOI.trtd, grcri, locn or cooperctivevament to paJ <br />a1Y pers:n for infh.slCing or cttsnpting to inflUEl'lCe a1 ctfiC8" or anpIoyee of a1y ~, <br />MEmber of Coogress, or CIl offiCtJ' or anpIoyee of a MtJ'Ti)er of Congress in comection with <br />aNCI"ding of a1y fa:Jera oontrcd, the mci<ing of a1y fa:Jera grcrrt or locn, altering into a1y <br />coopa aive VeellleIlt end the e<t81si 01"1, r8'leNa. anendma1t or modifi cction of a1Y fa:teral <br />oontrcd. grcrrt, locn or oooperciive Veel I 181t. SUBREaAENT shal sign a ca1ificctioo to thct <br />etfed in a form csset forth in "Exhibit C," ctta:hed hereto a1d by thisrsErEnceinoorporaaj herein. <br />SUBREClPlENT shal subnit sad signed catificciion to CITY prior to performng a1y of its <br />obi igcii ons under thi S Agf!S II&'i end prior to a1y obIigciioo aisi ng 00 the pat of CI TY to paJ a1y <br />lUl'1S to SUBRECI PI ENT LI1der the terms crd conditions of thisAgreel I lent. <br /> <br />If a1y fLl'1Cls other tha1 Fa:Jera ~opriaa:l funds have been paid or will be paid to <br />a1y perUl for influencing or cttempting to inflUEl'lCe a1 offiC8" or EI'Jl)Ioyee of a1y ~, a <br />Member of Cavess. a1 offiCS' or EflllIoyee of Corvess. or CIl Employee of a MEmber of <br /> <br />6 <br />