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<br />5105 <br /> <br />Congress in COI"i1E:di on with thi s Fa:Jera contrai, grcrrt, locn, or coopa-cti ve cgreel I lErt, the <br />Lrder9gra:J shall oorllJIete a1d a.bmit a "Dis:fOSll'e Form to Report LobbyillJ," in a:r.orda1ce <br />with its i nstru:tions (see C-1). <br /> <br />T. Fi na1da Interest. SUBRECI PI ENT ev-ees thct exa:pt for the use of CDBG funds <br />to pay salaies cn:f other raaaj atniristrctive or person1E!f oosts. no persons who ecerdse or hale <br />ecerdsed a1y fLl"ldion with re:ped to CDBG cdivities assistaj lJ1der the terms of this Agreallet1t, <br />or who Cl"e in a position to patidpcie in a dedsioo-madng process or Qcin inside informction with <br />rEga"d to such cdivities, IT1lJf obtcin a fina1da interest or ba1efit fran a COBG-assistaj a::tivity of <br />SUBRECIPlENT, either for thEmselves or these with whom they have fcmly or business ties, <br />duri ng thei r terue a fa one ys thereEtter. This prohi bition ~ ies to a1y PEI"Ul who is a1 <br />employee, cgat, COf'lSlJta1t, offiCB", or as::taj or ~ntaj offida of CITY. or of <br />a1y designctaj PlbIiccgencies, a theSUBRECPI ENT. <br /> <br />U. Oavis-Ba:onAd. Alllc:tx:nrscrd I'TlEd1aicsemployaj by contrai:orsor <br />SLbcontraiors in the perfor~ of construction work, inducing ateraions cn:f repcirs, in excess <br />of $2,(XXlOO. fil'B'1ad in whole or in pat with federa fll'lds shall be pad w~ a raes not less <br />tha1 these prevaling on similCl" constructioo in the locaity as determinej in a:r.ordcr'1c2 with the <br />Davis-BaxJl Ad, as CI'l'lEflCfEIj, 40 U.SC. sections 276a - 276a-5. Any such oonstructioo contrai: <br />shal indude crd oompIy with the r~raj caltrai: provisions crd rules set forth in 29 C.F.R. ~.5. <br />FlI1her, the payroll reports (aong with the CSctanent of CompIiam=) crd basic rEm"ds Cl"e <br />rB:lUiraj to be mcirtcinej cn:f abmitta:J, or maje avalSJIe, ptIS.Slt to 29 C.F.R. ~.5(a)(3). No <br />payment, a:tv~ grcnt, locn or gucrcrrtee rI fll'lds sha I be approvaj by the fedEra c:ga1Cy unless <br />there is on fi Ie with the ~ a CErtifi ation by the c:ontra:tor thct the oontrcdor crd its <br />s.boontredors have oompIiaj with the prOVisions of 29 C.F.R. ~.5. A breed1 of the oontrcd <br />daJSeS in 29 c.F.R. ~.51T1lJf be S1OlJ'1ds for terminciion of the centred, cn:f for debament cs a <br />oontrcdalsubc:albedor, csprovida:J in 29 C.F.R. ~.12. Laxr sta1dCI"dsimervieNs'investigctions <br />shal be ma:ie as/19;eS6~y to asare oompIiCllCB [29 C.F.R. ~.6(a)(3)]. <br /> <br />V. DrlQ Free WorkDla:2 SUBREClPlENT CErtifies thct it hcs estctlIished the follCMIing <br />drug-free WorkplCD3 poIic.y: <br /> <br />1. The LIlIaNfu I1'lCI'lJfcdure, distribution, dispensillJ, possession or use of a <br />oontrollaj Sl.Jbsta1cE is proh bited in the workplCD3 for a1y Employee involved in a fa:Jera Iy fl.lr1ded <br />progran. <br /> <br />2. As a1 empl oyee worki ng in conjunction with a fadera Iy funded progran, the <br />employees of SUBRECIPlENT will berequiraj to: <br /> <br />a) Abi de by the terms ctxlve in staement 1. <br />b) Notify appropricteoffidasof SUBRECIAENT a1d CITY offidasof <br />8llY criminal drug stci:ute convidion for a viofction occurring in the workplCD3 not <br />r cter thal five days clter such convi di on. <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />