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I. <br />CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS <br />A. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide and shall perform a Return on Investment <br />Study and services, as more specifically set forth in the Request for Proposals sent out by the City, <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein as ` " to this Agreement, as well as the services set <br />forth in Consultant's Proposal dated November 13, 2007, attached hereto and incorporated herein as <br />` ' to this Agreement. Services shall be performed in accordance with the exhibits and the <br />timelines and deadlines contained therein. <br />CONTRACTOR'S failure to provide said services may be grounds for CITY to readjust <br />the level of payment to CONTRACTOR otherwise provided for hereinafter. <br />B. CONTRACTOR agrees to perform the services set forth herein in a professional, <br />timely and diligent manner. <br />C CONTRACTOR shall provide wages and benefits to CONTRACTOR employees <br />who participate in the activities and services funded by this Agreement ("Employees") in accordance <br />with the standards and requirements of the Act, including Section 181 of the Act. <br />D. CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the Labor Standards described in the Act <br />including Section 181 of the Act. <br />E. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with the "Complaint Handling Procedures under <br />the WIA", attached hereto as and incorporated herein as though fully set forth in 20 CFR <br />§667.200, Subpart F. CITY's procedures for handling complaints alleging a violation of the Act, <br />regulations, grants, or other agreements under the Act shall be followed and any decision of CITY, the <br />State or the federal government relating to the complaint shall be binding and followed by <br />CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTORS who are employers shall operate a grievance system that is <br />similar to CITY's procedures for resolution of complaints relating to the terms and conditions of <br />employment. <br />F. As a condition of this award of fmancial assistance under the Act to <br />CONTRACTOR from CITY, CONTRACTOR assures, with respect to operation of all programs or <br />activities funded with funds provided pursuant to the Act, and all agreements or arrangements to carry <br />out such programs or activities, that it will comply fully with the nondiscrimination and equal <br />opportunity provisions of the Act (Section 188); the Nontraditional Employment for Women Act of <br />1991; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of <br />1973, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; the Americans with Disabilities <br />Act of 1990; and with all applicable requirements imposed by or pursuant to regulations implementing <br />those laws, including, but not limited to, 29 CFR part 37. The United States, the State of California <br />and CITY have the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance. <br />G. CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain such records and submit such reports, data and <br />information, on the form and containing such information, at such times as CITY may request or <br />require regarding the performance of CONTRACTOR'S services or activities, costs ox other data, <br />including but not limited to, participants' attendance, payroll records and job duty statements. <br />2 5 N ~4 page 2 of 14 <br />