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procedures do not restrict the LVVIA grant recipie~~out relsort to the formalomplal ntussion <br />and resolution of any problems outside of and wi <br />procedure. <br />q. The following principles and rules apply to all complaints at all steps of the complaint <br />procedures: <br />1. All complaints must be madejin writing frauld o80cram nal activityl.eged <br />occurrence, except complains alleging <br />2. All persons filing a complaint shall be free from restraint, coercion, reprisal, or <br />discrimination. Good faith efforts shall be Come lainant halverthe Irighhto <br />complaint prior to the scheduled hearat an time rior to the hearing. A <br />withdraw their complaints (in writing) Y p <br />complainant may amend his/her complaint to correct technical deficiencies but <br />not to add issues. <br />3. Complainants shall have the right to be rep~e com dfaint pro ess. expense by <br />person(s) of their choosing at all levels of P <br />4. Upon enrollment into employment or training, participahts shall be provided <br />including notification of their <br />with a written description of these procedures, <br />right to file complaints and instructions for filing. <br />An employer of participants, including private-for-profit emocedures so long as <br />participants, may use this or other complaint resolution p <br />the participant is informed of the complai eW o~cornplair°searerme e~` are to <br />follow and the time frames governing rev <br />A "participant", within the meaning of thesedp roceo~~am~funded by Sant Ana <br />receives employment-training services un , P <br />LWIA. The Complaint Resolution Pro°ceer ma c~se)'shail~be ava table to <br />alternative procedures which an emp y Y <br />participants to resolve disputes regarding items aams ° Howeve~l suchloyment <br />of such participants in employment training p g <br />rocedures shall not be used to resolve ele whosis notra'nartecmantnas defined <br />r.~nditions of em to merit of an cm I• <br />herein. <br />5- If a complaint does not receive a decisioe e~ives anvun gatisfa Cory dec s on, <br />within 60 days of filing the complaint or r <br />the complainant then has a right to request a review of the complaint by the <br />Governor. <br /> <br />25N-49 <br />