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FULL PACKET_2008-05-05
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FULL PACKET_2008-05-05
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4/30/2008 3:31:01 PM
City Clerk
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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />2008-2009 ANNUAL ACT/ON PLAN <br />HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS <br />HOPWA funds for Program Year 2008-2009 will be utilized to undertake eligible <br />activities to meet the needs of individuals living with HIV/AIDS that presently are not <br />met by other public and private resources. To identify program gaps, a countywide <br />survey to assess the needs for the region's HIV/AIDS population was conducted <br />during the 2004-2005 Program Year. This survey was acommunity-based planning <br />effort that incorporated the input of interested community members including <br />individuals living with HIV/AIDS, representatives of HIV/AIDS service and housing <br />organizations, housing developers, representatives of local government agencies, <br />advocates, and others. Relevant planning, housing, homelessness, and <br />epidemiological data were reviewed and incorporated into the planning effort. <br />Critical issues and service gaps were identified and an advisory committee <br />developed recommendations. These findings have been used by the Housing <br />Committee of the Orange County HIV Planning Council to develop a list of activities <br />for HOPWA funding during FY 2008-2009, as well as the expenditure of over $5 <br />million in Ryan White resources that are expected to be available during the program <br />year. <br />The specific activities to be undertaken in program year 2008-2009 will be to provide <br />supportive services and tenant-based rental assistance. Funds reprogrammed from <br />prior years will be focus on the development of new housing opportunities for <br />individuals living with AIDS. To better measure the intended outcomes of HOPWA- <br />funded activities, HUD has implemented a comprehensive reporting document. The <br />City will work with its subrecipients to ensure all required data is captured and <br />reported. As required by HUD, the following information is provided regarding <br />HOPWA-funded activities for the 2008-2009 Program Year: <br />37 air sloe <br />19E-49 <br />
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