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<br />11'.6 II Client desires to: (a) use Soltwa~elVice :lW'latI mode. <br />(b) use Software at another location, (c) ~r. a. restricted in <br />Section t 1 .5. eI (d) transfer operaliolUll use of the Software to a lJritd <br />party: lhen Client must request prior permission in writing from Unisys. <br />Unisys will then advise Client ~eltlet, and under whit terms and <br />conditions, Unisys wiU rlCenS8 the Softwlre al requlsted, All resriclionS <br />applicable ~ Clilllt MI_ IppIy to any permitted Ser'4lce or <br />third perty lisen, <br /> <br />11.7 This Agreement dOes not transfer to Clientlitle to any intellectual <br />pr~erty conlained in any, documentallon or Proprietary <br />I nforma lion <br /> <br />11.8 No pa-ty is antlUed to use any Software unless till plrty has a <br />valid wiltefllicense to use such Software and aU applicable chlllJ8S rei <br />.the use of such Softwlre have been paid. exctj:lt that Client may <br />authortze tempanry use of Software by a third pwty. only for Cllenrs <br />benefit. to assess, test or develop softwwe programs to !lie extent <br />authortzed by Section 11.5 or to pIl'form conS\lltinll services and stud- <br />Ies. provided such lhtd party agrlllS in \\Titing to be bound by tile <br />provisions of this Agreement regarding Pr~rietlfY Infgrmation and <br />Sottware. <br /> <br />11.9 This seclion applies CO 'an procurements of SoftWare and doev. <br />mentation by or for the U.S. federal government. By Iccepting delivery <br />of thl Sotlware and <loClImIntallon, the government hereby agrees that <br />the Software and documentation qualifies IS ocommercial" computer <br />sotlw8re and commercial softwlr, lSOCumentatlon WilNn tile meaning of <br />the acquisition regulalitln(s) Ipplicable to Ibis procurement. The lerms <br />and condilions of this license sIIa" prescribe th. government's use and <br />disclosure 01 the Softwlre and documentation, and shall supersede any <br />contrary provisions. The gov.nment agees to return Ibe Soflware.1IId <br />" documentation unused if any pravision 01 tllia License does not meet <br />the goy<<nment'l ICNa! minimum needs or iI the government objects to <br />any term of this license and the parties are unable to reach agreement <br />on \he terms of ilia license. The fonowing slalement applies only to <br />procurements governed by OFARS Part 2274 (OCT 1988): 'Res.icted <br />Rights - Use. duplication and disclosure by the Government is S41f)Jeet 10 <br />resh:1ioni as set forth in subparl9'Ph (e)(1 )(ii) of the Rightl in <br />Technical Data and Co~uler Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 <br />(OCT 1988)" <br /> <br />12. W~rr.llties and Disclaimers <br /> <br />12.1 EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY ST ATEO IN THIS AGREEMENT, THERE <br />ARE NO WAARANTIES, EXPRESS ~ IMPliED, BY OPERATION OF <br />LAW OR OTHERWISE. UNISVS DISCLAIMS THE IMPUEO WAA- <br />RANTIES OF MERCHANTABlUTY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR <br />PURPOSE A3 TO BOTH UNISYS NfJ NON UNISYS PRODUCTS AND <br />SERVICES. UNISYi WARRANTIES EXTENOSOlELYTO CLIENT. YEAR <br />2000 WARRANTIES OF EOUlPM9T AND SOFTWARe ARE MADE <br />SOLELY IN seCTION 12.4. <br /> <br />12.2 Equipment <br /> <br />(a) Unisys WllTants that equipment will ~ rr.. from derecls in malenal <br />and wotkmanshtl Bnd will substantially conn 10 relevant Unisys <br />published specifications for a perIocI of twelve monUls from its In-. <br />stallat,on Dlle. Equipment (i) mllJ be newly m.nufletured, (ii) may be <br />assembled from new or serviceable uslel parts thaI are equivillent 10 <br />new parts in performa~, or (ii) may have been previously installed. <br />During this twelve month warranty period. Unisys will repair or replace <br />any delective item of equipment or pIIrt or component of equipment <br />promptly reported or sent to Unisys by Clienl which Unisys delermines <br />WIIS defective due to faulty material or workmanship. Client WIll pay <br />transportation and insurance costs 10 ship equipment if an olf,sitl repair <br />location is designated by Unisys: Uni~s IMII pay the retum costs il tile <br />equipment was defective. Labor costs af diagnosis arl not included in <br />this _rranly. <br /> <br />.(b) Secause equipnent requires on.going rTlIintenenc.. 1tle preceding <br />II/llrranty is flot a substitute far SURETY Sl4'PQrt Services, which are <br />available to Client !or . charge <br />(c) Uf\i$y::! melllcos n~ r'fll'OHntation or were.nly Is to non unlsyl <br />equipment provided to CUent, an of wIlicn is GOld or licensed to Client <br /> <br />'A8 IS.' Ctienl a~.Alook SOlely to the warranties and remedies, if' <br />any, provided by ~f8cturer. <br /> <br />12.3 SoftWare: <br /> <br />(al Each itam of SO/lwatl with the designation W is, in its unaJlllrecf <br />form, warranted ror 110 days frOl'll its Installation Date to conform sut). <br />stantialty to the then-curT.nt ptblished fundianal specifICations. <br />ptovided such Softwlr. is used In a maMer consistent with any <br />applicable Unisys minimum equipment and software configuration <br />specifications. Umsys 11/111 make reasonaele enorts rc correcf such 8ITDl'I <br />reflecting significant deviations from the functional specifteations as are <br />reportad by Client to Unlsys during such warranty period. <br /> <br />(bl Becaust not aU errors in SoftWare can or need be correeled, Unisys <br />cloes not warrant thaI all Sottwwt defecls Will be corrected. Similarly. <br />Unisys does nol warrant Ibat 1tle lunctions contained in the SoftWare 'MIl <br />meet Clienrs requirements or that the Software will operatll in <br />combinations selected for use by Client. <br /> <br />(c) AU oilier Software delivlI'ed is nol warranted by Unisys and ie <br />licensed 'AS IS." In the case of nOli Unisys Software. Client al1en to ' <br />look solely to the walTanlles and ~emeclies, if any, provided by the <br />Unisys ticensor or vendor. <br /> <br />12.4 Year 2000, Equipment and Software <br /> <br />(a) Unisys W8/'rents thlt tile Products designated OR' in the Y2K Ready <br />column In the relevant Schedule to this ~eement will be capeble, <br />when used in accordance With the applicable Product documentation <br />provided by Unisys. of accurately processing dais data OnCIuc1lng. but <br />nol limited to calCUlating. comperlflg and sequencing) from, into and <br />between /he 2011I and 21st centuries and19~~ and 2000. lneluclng leap <br />Y'. cllculations. provided tl\at aR third party products and Client's <br />customized data processing materials used In combination With Ole <br />Products properiy exchange dete dell with the Products (hereinafter <br />'Vear 2000 Read'l). Unisy1 will repeir or replace Products hi do IIot <br />accurately process date dall IS set forth above. provided: (~ Client <br />notifies Unisys before March 31. 2000 or. ;f later. before the Ixpiratlon <br />of any general _ranty period lor the Products under Sections 12.2 or <br />12.3 above; and (ii) Client keeps tne Products at tile t~en<urT.nt <br />release level(s) and. in the absence of a general W8rTlnly or alter any <br />general WIlTanty pll'iod. enrollec:t continuously unc:ter Untsys <br />maintenance. <br /> <br />(b) Unj~ makes no warranty for dale data functionality for Products <br />designated '\I" in tile Y2K Ready column. Unisys obtains these ProduC1s <br />from tnird parties and ~II pess on to CNent well tlate data functionality <br />warranties, if any. as tile Product vendor permits Unlsys to peM along <br />on the Product vendor'. behalf to end users. C~ent agrees to IOClk solely <br />to such Product vendclts lor correction or repair of defects in dale data <br />functionality of such Products. <br /> <br />(c) Products deSign.tld 'Re' in the Y2K RB8dy column are obtained <br />from Ihird parties and are WllIl'anted.s 'R" according to Section 12,4(a). <br />above. when: (~ acquired from Unlsys: and (Ii) designated by lkIisyc for <br />use as I component in I Unisys packaged style designaled oR:' and (10 <br />used by Client onty as a component in that unlsys packaged style. In an <br />other instlncas, a Product designated 'Re' will be deemed and treated <br />IS a 'V' Product under Section 12 .4jb). above <br /> <br />(d) Unisys makes no v.wranty for date data functionality for Products <br />designated 'W or 'U" or for Products with no designation in thl 't'2K <br />Ready column. Client acknOYo4edges that it understandS that Products <br />designated 'NO are not and will nol be made Year 2000 Ready and that <br />Unisys disclaims any warranty 01 the Product's abitity to function <br />corrllct~ ""en dealing Mth dates. Client has independently evaluated <br />the Products and. noNrilbstanding the foregoing. confirms its erder for <br />the said Products and 19'88' its use of such PrD4.1cts will be at its sole <br />risk. <br /> <br />12.5 SURETY Support Servic..: <br /> <br />(a) Unisys warrant. thaI equipment and Software will be suppor1llld in <br />accordance With !lie specific SURETY Support Service seleclied. UnlS'(1 <br />sell and exclusive obligations undar this 'MIIIT8nty will be to conform CD <br />Itte :SUReTY ~upport Service Oeseripuons. Equipnent parts wnlcll are <br />removed for replacement by Unisys become the property 01 Unisys. <br /> <br />~3()5 3982-006 13199) <br /> <br />,. 0114 <br />