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[r'',r, <br />i ~ Le"~i . <br />~ ~~ Scope of Work Exhibit e <br />~~. SCOPE OF WORK (EXHIBIT B) <br />The following section provides our proposed work program for completing the scope of work <br />identified in the RFP, dated March 20, 2008. Note that the phases and tasks detailed in this scope of <br />work will not necessarily occur in the chronological order presented below. In order to accelerate the <br />schedule, work on several tasks likely will occur simultaneously. <br />PlldSe 1 -PROTECT INITIATION AND RESEARCH <br />T&B Planning shall perform basic research and analysis as necessary to identify all applicable, <br />physical, environmental and jurisdictional requirements, restrictions and/or constraints for the <br />subject property. Additionally, T&B Planning shall conduct a field visit to document existing <br />site conditions, surrounding development, and other aspects of the site's physical and <br />environmental setting that might warrant consideration in the environmental analysis. <br />PllaSe 2 -DRAFT INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />Task 2.1 Prepare Administrative Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration and Notice of Intent <br />Based on the information gathered as part of our Phase 1 research efforts, T&B Planning <br />will prepare an Administrative Drafr Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />(IS/MND) document for City staff review. The administrative draft IS/MND will include <br />an evaluation of the environmental resources contained in the City of Santa Ana <br />Environmental Checklist/CEQA Compliance document. <br />The Environmental Checklist will: include a detailed description of the various elements <br />of the proposed facility and associated construction operations (including project case <br />numbers, as appropriate); identify the Lead Agency and contact information; indicate the <br />location of the project area and describe the existing zoning and General Plan <br />designations in the area; provide a description of existing conditions and sunrounding <br />land uses; disclose any other public agencies that must also approve the proposed project; <br />identify the environmental factors potentially affected; and include the determination of <br />the Initial Study/Environment 1 Checklist. <br />The Environmental Checklist and Responses to Environmental Checklist also will be <br />completed as part of this task. Each of the environmental issue areas contained within the <br />City of Santa Ana Environmental Checklist/CEQA Compliance document will be <br />evaluated and assigned a significance rating of "No Impact," "Less than Significant <br />Impact," or "Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated." For each issue area, a <br />detailed rationale will be provided within the Responses to Environmental Checklist <br />section to provide substantive evidence for the conclusion drawn. References will be <br />cited and relied upon as appropriate. <br />San Lorenzo Sewer Lift Station MND <br />Prepared for: GTr of SnNrn ANA <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />April 2, 2008 <br />Prepared By: T&B Planning <br />