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<br />'1 <br />" <br />u',t,~,":u>.5 'J:t.!fl'1 "'l<Ill <br /> <br />(J <br /> <br />no. JIB <br /> <br />P,:3 <br /> <br />Agreement No. 4600003098 <br />Mer the Project has been comp/ellld or termlnaled.the Grantee shall fumish to tI1e State, within 60 <br />days. a final statement of incurred Eligible Project Costs, and a final narralive report summarizing <br />the Project process, deliverabfes and results. <br /> <br />A-8, WITHHOLDING OF GRANT DISBURSEMENTS BY STATE <br /> <br />(a) WltI1holdlna c'aus~; Thlt State, at illl dlscrelion, may withhold ten pereent (10%) of the <br />funds requested by the Grantee for reimbursement of eligible Project Costs until the Project Is <br />completed. <br /> <br />(b) Add/lional Conditions for Wltllholdlno: If the State delermlnes that the Project Is not <br />being completed substantially in accordance with the provisions of this Agl'llement or that the <br />Granlee has failed In any other respeot to comply substantially with the provisions of this Agreement, <br />and If the Grantee does not remlldy any sucll failtlre to the Stale's satfsfaotion. tha State may <br />wit/lhold from the Grantee all or any porlfon of the State Grant commitment and take any other <br />action that n deems necessary to protect its Intsruts. <br /> <br />, (c) Wlthholdlno Entfre State Grant Commitment If the Slate notl1lea the Grantee of ns <br />decision to wit/lhold all of th. Slate Grant commitment trom the Grantee pursuant to Subdlvfslon (b) <br />of this ArlIcle, this Agreement shalllerminate upon raceipt of such notice by the Grantee and shall <br />no Conger be binding on either party. <br /> <br />(d) Wlthholdlno Ba/ance ot State Grant Commitment: Where a portion of the Slate Grant <br />commitment has been disbursed 10 the Grantae and tI1e State notl1les the Grantee of Its decisIon to <br />wlthhoid the balance ot the State Granr, the pOrlfon that hae been disbursed shall thereafter be <br />replljd Immedllltely wIth inlel'Mt, as dll'llcted by the Stlite. Refusal of the Grantee to so repay may. lJ//,/';!f <br />at the optfon of the Stata. be oonslderlld a material breach of contract and may be treated as default ./ /, :,{ <br />under Defauft Provisions, exhibit A-25. Jh(u .,nil.. /,> 'nll,fi~~)Iuq,;. (~~ <br /> <br />A-g. DOCUMENTATION OF PROJECT BENEFITS AND COSTS. 7 .' , <br />JC ~.~ <br />(a) Actuel Water Savlnoe Alter Project completion the Griintee shall revise the estimate of 1;"", :.":'~ <br />water savings besed on recorc1s for the first ODeratlon~ within 90 days aller the firs!,. .;1 <br />opemtfonal year has elapsed. I'llport these findings to the tofWatar Resoun:ea. Offlce at <br />Water Use Efflciency. This recording and reporting process shall be SUbsequently repealed for a <br />tolal of five (5) consecutlve operational yeal'!f. Estlmetee shaH Include total annual water savIngs <br />llnd net Ilnnual waler savings. The report shall aleo Include a deacrflJlIon of how thlt waler prodUced <br />by the Project Ie being utfllzed. <br /> <br />(b I Oll1er Benellts and cOiiii: The Grantee shan. af/er the ftrst operalfonel ~ hea elapsed <br />report any other benefll8 (other tIIan ,water savings) and any additfonal C081lI resulting from the <br />Project. to the Department of Water Rasources. Ofl!Cl!t of Water Use Efficiency. <br /> <br />A.10. TIMING AND MANNER OF PROJECT UNDERTAKING <br /> <br />(a) Prolect Undertaklna Pursuant to Aoreement The Project shan be undertaken in shiel <br />accordance with this Agreement <br /> <br />(bl Determinatlorl ot Protect Comcletlon: For the purposes of this Agreement, the <br />Project shaft be consIdered to be completed or to be terminated when so detenmlned by the State. <br /> <br />(e) Acknawledtlemant of Credit: The Grantee shall inc/uds appropriate <br />'acknowledgement of credIt to lhe Slats and to aU cost-sharing partners for their support when <br />promotfng the Project or using any da18 and/or.lnfonnatlon developed under ths Agreement <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />Revlsad t(V27m <br />