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Amendment to City of Santa Ana's 2005 UWMP <br />October 22, 2008 <br />of sewers, water mains, pump stations, chlorinators and improvement projects on <br />SCADA systems." <br />Over the past year, the City has completed a major SCADA system upgrade, which <br />included new RTUs at all sites and installation of a new radio based communication <br />system. Additionally, the City just completed and placed into operation two new wells <br />(Nos. 40 and 41) as part of the OCWD/MWD groundwater storage program. The City <br />also has an on-going well and pump rehabilitation program, which calls for pulling and <br />refurbishing at least one pump per year. Over the next seven fiscal years the City's CIP <br />includes water main replacements with project funding starting at $4.6 M in FY 2008/09 <br />and increasing to $6.5 M for FY 2013/14. <br />While each of the aforementioned projects improves the reliability of the City's water <br />supply, these improvements do not directly increase the City's water supply. This may <br />seem counter-intuitive with respect to the two new wells, but the amount of groundwater <br />pumped by the City is strictly limited by the Basin Production Percentage (BPP) <br />established by the Orange County Water District and the groundwater producers. The <br />BPP, which is adjusted periodically, sets the maximum amount of water the City can <br />pump from the basin in any given year, regardless of how many wells are used to produce <br />that volume of water. <br />c. DWR Response -The added information and clarification on the subject of planned <br />projects for the City of Santa Ana addresses the law. <br />3. Water Shortage Contingency Plan Section -Stages of Action <br />a. DWR's May 12, 2008 Comments on City's Apri19, 2008 Draft Amendment -The <br />Water Shortage Contingency Plan Section of the UWMP Law under Water Code 10632 <br />(a) clearly requires the City to provide stages of action within their Water Shortage <br />Contingency Plan and needs to indicate supply conditions for each stage. The Law also <br />requires the City to include plans fora 50 percent supply shortage. <br />Even though Phase 3 of the City's Emergency Water Conservation Plan call for 20% <br />reduction by their customers or less does not address the Law of having plans to deal with <br />a 50% supply shortage. The City is stating that because the phrase or less is in the phase <br />3 wordage they are addressing the Law of having a plan fora 50% supply shortage. <br />The Law is very clear on this section; However, Mr. Dave Todd, who is the program <br />manager for the urban plans, can give a better determination on the subject. Mr. Todd <br />can determine and allow the City to use the or less phrase as meeting the 50% supply <br />shortage as required by Law. <br />Therefore, Mr. Todd who is being cc on this e-mail can give us his determination and we <br />can proceed with the rest of the review process. <br />~e~~f~0 <br />